radar reconnaissance是什么意思 radar reconnaissance的中文翻译、读音、例句

radar reconnaissance是什么意思 radar reconnaissance的中文翻译、读音、例句

radar reconnaissance通常被翻译为"雷达探空"的意思,其中文解释还有"雷达探空"的意思,发音音标为[radarreconnaissance],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到50个与radar reconnaissance相关的例句。

Radar reconnaissance的翻译


例句:We understand that the task of a reconnaissance team, but we have to save his team? (我们明白了一个侦察小组的任务 们必须挽救他的团队?)


radar reconnaissance一般作为名词使用,如在reconnaissance radar(侦察和目标指示雷达;侦察雷达)、reconnaissance(侦察 )、radar(雷达 )等常见短语中出现较多。

reconnaissance radar侦察和目标指示雷达;侦察雷达
on the radar[网络] 雷达
epidemiological reconnaissance流行病学侦察
engineering reconnaissance[军] 工程侦察
electromagnetic reconnaissance[电] 电磁侦察
electron reconnaissance电子侦察
electronic reconnaissance[电] 电子侦察


1. He kind of dropped off the radar. (翻译:He kind of dropped off the radar.)

2. The reason that radar can reveal the bedrock is that ice is entirely transparent to radar. (翻译:雷达可以展现基岩的原因 在于对于雷达而言 冰是完全透明的 )

3. Two Arguable Questions in Reconnaissance and Designment and Construction of Rock-imbedding Piles (翻译:嵌岩桩勘察设计与施工中值得探讨的两个问题)

4. This issue includes an airborne radar altimeter simulator for radar altimeter of field testing and performance monitoring. (翻译:本文研究的是一种机载雷达高度表模拟器,用于雷达高度表的外场测试与性能监测。)

5. Bernardo Carducci calls this technique "social reconnaissance. " (翻译:伯纳德·卡多西把这一技巧叫做“社会侦察”。)

6. The reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming. (翻译:侦查兵报告敌军来袭 The reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming.)

7. And it was designed to evade radar detection. (翻译:而且它的设计可以躲避雷达探测 And it was designed to evade radar detection.)

8. Synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithm and radar imaging autofocus algorithm are mainly discussed in this thesis. (翻译:本文主要研究了合成孔径雷达成像算法和雷达成像自聚焦算法两个方面的内容。)

9. We tracked their reconnaissance team to the Ileenium System. (翻译:他们的侦查队回到伊利尼姆星系时被我们追踪了 We tracked their reconnaissance team to the Ileenium System.)

10. Reconnaissance picked up something on radar traveling at over 500 knots and coming straight for us. (翻译:发现雷达上面有一个时速超过500里的东西 正朝我们这边来)

11. Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted. (翻译:花在侦察上的时间是不会白费的。)

12. Can you check the radar over there? (翻译:你能去那边检查一下测速雷达吗? Can you check the radar over there?)

13. I jumped in a ditch today at the sight of an unarmed reconnaissance plane. (翻译:我今天被一架 没有武装的侦察机 吓的半死!)

14. a reconnaissance expedition to the forbidden city with Virgil and MacDonald as my aides. (翻译:这件事情我认为有必要告诉大家: 我在维吉尔和麦克唐纳的协助下 对禁城进行了侦察)

15. How wide far can the radar map an area during a normal flight? (翻译:飞机过境期间 How wide far can the radar 雷达可以测到地图上多远的距离 map an area during an overflight?)

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