radial electrostatic field在英语中代表"径向静电场"的意思,在英美地区还有"径向静电场"的意思,读音为[radialelectrostaticfield],radial electrostatic field来源于英语,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到60个与radial electrostatic field相关的例句。
Radial electrostatic field的翻译
例句:Fly ball going out over the field! (Schaffer swings! Fly ball going out over the field!)
radial electrostatic field一般作为名词使用,如在electrostatic field([计] 静电场\n[化] 静电场)、radial field([电] 径向场)、electrostatic field intensity(静电场强度)等常见短语中出现较多。
electrostatic field | [计] 静电场\n[化] 静电场 |
radial field | [电] 径向场 |
electrostatic field intensity | 静电场强度 |
electrostatic field interference | 静电场干扰 |
electrostatic field strength | [电] 静电场强度 |
electrostatic field therapy | 静电疗法 |
stray electrostatic field | 杂散静电场 |
radial field cable | 分析屏蔽电缆 |
radial field index | 径向场指数 |
1. The research supplied theoretical way to confect electrostatic spraying preparation. (翻译:这些规律为以后静电喷雾制剂的配制提供了理论依据。)
2. The electrostatic summation must be evaluated for an explicit set of ion position. (翻译:静电能的加和必须根据离子的具体位置来计算。)
3. Meet me on Taryn Field tonight after the competition. Bring your diary. (翻译:比赛结束 晚上到Taryn Field见我 带上你的日记)
4. This is field agents only. It's okay, chief. (翻译:出勤特工才能参加会议 This is field agents only.)
5. The hikers crossed this field. (翻译:登山客们穿过那片平地 The hikers crossed this field.)
6. DFD Technology and Its Application in the Structure Design of Electrostatic Oiler (翻译:DFD技术及其在静电涂油机结构设计中的应用)
7. That had five bodies buried in it. (翻译:Gabriel Osbourne带我们去了 Gabriel Osbourne took us to a field)
8. But the shape became nonuniform in the radial direction. (翻译:但是,形状变得不均匀在径向方向。)
9. I think I'd better take her down to Palmer Field myself. (翻译:我自己带她去Palmer Field棒球场.)
10. And that something he called a field. (翻译:他称之为场 And that something he called a field.)
11. Close the field aperture now! (翻译:快关闭护盾闸口 快关闭 Close the field aperture now!)
12. The time distortion field. (翻译:The time distortion field. 时间场畸变)
13. Electrostatic precipitator is adopted as dust collector for ebullition furnace. (翻译:沸腾炉的吸尘部分采用了静电除尘。)
14. With someone from the beauty field? (翻译:with someone from the beauty field?)
15. ...down the right field line. (翻译:...在边线右边 Cano得分 ...down the right field line.)