radioactive level gage是什么意思 radioactive level gage的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive level gage是什么意思 radioactive level gage的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive level gage的意思是"放射性同位素料面计",在日常中也代表"化"的意思,单词读音音标为[radioactivelevelgage],radioactive level gage来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到14个与radioactive level gage相关的例句。

Radioactive level gage的翻译


例句:At this point, we see no reason that level will need future escalation. (we see no reason that level will need future escalation.)


例句:This is a high-level target. (这是高级别目标 This is a high - level target.)


radioactive level gage一般作为名词使用,如在level gage([化] 料面计; 水准仪)、radioactive ionization gage(放射性游离规)、radioactive snow gage(放射性量雪计)等常见短语中出现较多。

level gage[化] 料面计; 水准仪
radioactive ionization gage放射性游离规
radioactive snow gage放射性量雪计
radioactive thickness gage放射性厚度计
radioactive level gauge[化] 放射性同位素料面计
radioactive level indicator放射性液面规
fluid level gage[化] 液位指示器
fuel level gage油位表
gage level instrument轨距水平仪


1. Okay Joe Gage, why you going to Red Rock? (翻译:好吧 盖奇·乔 你为啥要去红石镇 Okay Joe Gage, why you going to Red Rock?)

2. I am only a mid-level traffic Boov. (翻译:I am only a mid -level traffic Boov.)

3. The radioactive debris is produced when the core is exposed above the coolant water level and overheats. (翻译:当核心暴露于冷却水位以上并过热,那放射性碎片就会产生。)

4. Sure, that was the level of probability. (翻译:那种程度的可能性啊 That was the level of probability.)

5. I want a gut-level dialogue. (翻译:I want a gut -level dialogue.)

6. A high-level source from within s.H.I.E.L.D., (翻译:-level source from within S. H. I.)

7. I bought an N gage locomotive. (翻译:我买了辆N轨距火车 I bought an N)

8. This is almost approaching a disciplinary level. (翻译:已经快到惩戒线了 This is almost approaching a disciplinary level.)

9. ..A-level results... ..A-level results... (翻译:...A -level 获胜... ...A)

10. Apply this high-level electric current (翻译:在大脑的特定区域 Apply this high -level electric current)

11. The sphene is a kind of stable mineral which is widely used in solidifying actinides separated from high level radioactive waste. (翻译:榍石是一种稳定矿物,是人造岩石固化高放射性废弃物较理想的基材之一。)

12. Well, low-level vita-radiation would barely saturate the top layer of a person's skin. (翻译:嗯 轻微的生命辐射 Well, low -level vita -radiation)

13. your injections level is extremely low. (翻译:your injections level is extremely low.)

14. It's not that much money, Mr. Level-Playing-Field. (翻译:它不是那么多钱, Level -Playing)

15. If they arrest her, this becomes an international news story. (翻译:-level activation. this becomes an international news story.)

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