radioactive mesothorium是什么意思 radioactive mesothorium的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive mesothorium是什么意思 radioactive mesothorium的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive mesothorium通常被翻译为"放射性变性钍"的意思,作为名词时有"放射性变性钍"的意思,在线发音:[radioactivemesothorium],radioactive mesothorium常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到77个与radioactive mesothorium相关的句子。

Radioactive mesothorium的翻译


例句:However, electrical and radioactive souls are attracted to the electrical or radioactive nature of the human genetics. (然而,电流与放射性灵魂往往被人类遗传中的电流与放射性本性所吸引。)


radioactive mesothorium一般作为名词使用,如在mesothorium(n. [化]新钍)、mesothorium i(镭(228Ra))、mesothorium mud([化] 含碳酸新钍和碳酸镭的碳酸钡)等常见短语中出现较多。

mesothoriumn. [化]新钍
mesothorium i镭(228Ra)
mesothorium mud[化] 含碳酸新钍和碳酸镭的碳酸钡
fall radioactive放射性落尘
highly radioactive放射性的,强放射性的
iodine radioactive[医] 放射性碘
radioactive activity放射活性;放射活度, 放射活性
radioactive aerosol[化] 放射性气溶胶


1. This is highly volatile radioactive material. (翻译:而且一种极不稳定的放射物 This is highly volatile radioactive material.)

2. Today, you work with kids like with radioactive waste. (翻译:现在,跟小孩子在一起,必须很小心, 就像处理核废料一样)

3. The sunflowers kept growing; in the process, they absorbed radioactive elements. (翻译:向日葵继续生长;在这个过程中,他们吸收了放射性元素。)

4. Combine the bomb tonight and McBride's radioactive remains, it's... (翻译:结合今晚的爆炸案 McBride遗体上的放射残留物 是...)

5. The research on synthesis of zirconolite and sphene using simulated radioactive incineration ashes (翻译:利用模拟放射性焚烧灰合成钙钛锆石和榍石的研究)

6. Radon is radioactive and hazardous. (翻译:氡有放射性,是有害物质。)

7. It was heavy... something was radioactive... and now it's gone. (翻译:这东西很重... 有放射性... 这东西现在也不见了)

8. Eastern Europe is rapidly becoming a dumping ground for radioactive residues. (翻译:东欧正在迅速变成一个放射性残渣的倾倒场。)

9. Got to ask, is this thing radioactive? (翻译:我得问问 这东西有辐射吗 Got to ask, is this thing radioactive?)

10. The main radionuclides representing health risk are radioactive caesium and radioactive iodine. (翻译:意味着健康威胁的主要的放射性核素包括放射性铯和放射性碘。)

11. And then it started to arrive disguised as radioactive material to evade scrutiny. (翻译:然后那个机器就来了 伪装成核燃料 从而逃避审查)

12. This map is sealed in plastic because it's still radioactive... (翻译:这张地图被封存在塑胶袋里 因为它仍具有放射性)

13. The ash isn't radioactive, and winds are blowing the fallout to sea. (翻译:灰尘不具有放射性 风把放射性微尘吹到海里去了)

14. Radioactive caesium has also been detected. (翻译:还发现了放射性铯。)

15. Some byproducts of the nuclear fission are themselves radioactive. (翻译:有些核裂变产生的副产品自身具有放射性。)

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