radioactive pottery是什么意思 radioactive pottery的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive pottery是什么意思 radioactive pottery的中文翻译、读音、例句

radioactive pottery的意思是"放射性陶器",作为名词时有"放射性陶器"的意思,在线读音是[radioactivepottery],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到67个与radioactive pottery相关的句子。

Radioactive pottery的词典翻译


例句:Radioactive caesium has also been detected. (还发现了放射性铯。)


radioactive pottery一般作为名词使用,如在pottery(陶器 )、radioactive(放射性的 )、Dutch pottery(荷兰陶瓷(多仿效东方形式,色彩鲜明、清澈,图案轮廓和釉彩不相混合,白底蓝花最为普遍))等常见短语中出现较多。

Dutch pottery荷兰陶瓷(多仿效东方形式,色彩鲜明、清澈,图案轮廓和釉彩不相混合,白底蓝花最为普遍)
English pottery英国陶瓷(17世纪中期开始制作,多仿制荷兰、希腊、埃及等风格)
Etruscan pottery伊特洛里亚陶器(伊特洛里亚,意大利西部古国,许多瓶器在该地发现,但可能从希腊传入)
Egyptian pottery埃及陶瓷(历史悠久,多用黑色锯齿形、几何形和动物头形图案装饰,上暗蓝色釉,除杯、灯外,还有小神像等)
faience pottery彩陶
fine pottery[化] 精陶
fragment of pottery瓷器残片


1. They were laden with toxic and radioactive ash particles-- coal smoke. (翻译:同时满载着有毒的放射性尘埃微粒 They were laden with toxic and radioactive ash particles 这就是煤烟 coal smoke.)

2. The main radionuclides representing health risk are radioactive caesium and radioactive iodine. (翻译:意味着健康威胁的主要的放射性核素包括放射性铯和放射性碘。)

3. The sunflowers kept growing; in the process, they absorbed radioactive elements. (翻译:向日葵继续生长;在这个过程中,他们吸收了放射性元素。)

4. The birch had taken up the radioactive gas. (翻译:那棵桦树已经完全吸收了 放射性的二氧化碳。)

5. This map is sealed in plastic because it's still radioactive... (翻译:这张地图被封存在塑胶袋里 因为它仍具有放射性)

6. The company mainly engaged in old pottery, all kinds of modern pottery and ceramic pottery, and other Daigou. (翻译:品陶轩陶艺责任有限公司本公司主要经营复古陶瓷、现代陶艺及代购各类陶瓷陶艺等。)

7. A radioactive isotope discovered by Marie Curie in 1898. (翻译:玛丽·居里于xx年发现的放射性同位素 A radioactive isotope discovered by Marie Curie in 1898.)

8. This syringe contains a radioactive form of glucose known as FDG. (翻译:这管注射器里含有放射性的葡萄糖, 也就是氟代脱氧葡萄糖 FDG。)

9. Irradiation leaves no traces of radioactive material in food. (翻译:辐照会残留一些不明的放射性物质在食物里面。)

10. The pottery, bronzes, ironware and stoneware were excavated in the tombs. (翻译:墓中出土随葬品有陶器、铜器、铁器和石器等。)

11. No one had ever built such a structure in a zone this radioactive. (翻译:没人曾在放射性这么高的地区 建造如此大的结构)

12. The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US. (翻译:陶器已装箱运往美国。)

13. This is highly volatile radioactive material. (翻译:而且一种极不稳定的放射物 This is highly volatile radioactive material.)

14. It's a radioactive catastrophe waiting to happen. (翻译:巍伪未喂蔚谓蔚蚁纬蠈 ?位喂魏蠈 蟺慰? 胃伪 蟺蚁慰魏伪位苇蟽蔚喂 魏伪蟿伪蟽蟿蚁慰蚃萎.)

15. A silvery, metallic synthetic radioactive transuranic element. (翻译:一种合成的银色放射性超铀金属元素。)

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