radiosonde measurement是什么意思 radiosonde measurement的中文翻译、读音、例句

radiosonde measurement是什么意思 radiosonde measurement的中文翻译、读音、例句

radiosonde measurement的中文解释是"无线电探空量测",在英美地区还有"无线电探空量测"的意思,单词读音音标为[radiosondemeasurement],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到47个与radiosonde measurement相关的句子。

Radiosonde measurement的释义


例句:Sediment measurement is an important part of hydrometry. (泥沙测验是水文测验的重要组成部分。)


radiosonde measurement一般作为名词使用,如在radiosonde(无线电探空仪 )、ejectable radiosonde(弹射雷送)、floating radiosonde(浮动雷送)等常见短语中出现较多。

ejectable radiosonde弹射雷送
floating radiosonde浮动雷送
parachute radiosonde降落伞雷送
radiation radiosonde辐射探空仪
radiosonde balloon无线电探空气球
radiosonde commutator[电] 无线电探空仪转换开关
radiosonde data无线电探测资料
radiosonde modulator雷送调变器


1. Be responsible for CMM, ensure factuality of the measurement result. (翻译:负责三坐标测量,确保测量结果的真实性。)

2. Accurate measurement is very important in science. (翻译:在科学领域,精确的测量非常重要。)

3. Field measurement and remote sensing measurement are rudimental approaches to get vegetation coverage. (翻译:地表实测和遥感测量是获取植被盖度的两种基本途径。)

4. Here is a rough-and-ready measurement. (翻译:这是一次马马虎虎的测量。)

5. Data and measurement are essential, but they're not enough. (翻译:数据与测量至关重要, 但只有它们是不够的。)

6. A radiosonde is free to rise to as great an elevation as possible. (翻译:无线电探空仪可以自由地上升到尽可能高的高度。)

7. There may be a hemoglobin measurement mechanism or card with a cuvette . (翻译:可有带有试管的血色素测量机构或卡。)

8. The efficiency calibration and measurement of coincidence factors of an HPGe detector; (翻译:对高纯锗探测器无源效率刻度方法的特点、建立方式、方法验证做了介绍。)

9. In a subset of patients, measurement of Apo B was evaluated. (翻译:在对病人的子集,载脂蛋白B的测量进行了评价。)

10. Air quality - Evaluation of the suitability of a measurement procedure by comparison with a required measurement uncertainty. (翻译:空气质量.与规定的测量不确定度比较评价测量程序的适用性)

11. By that singular measurement, we are failing. (翻译:用这种单一的衡量方式,我们都算不上生活安逸 )

12. The biggest advantages of WDG is the convenience in measurement. (翻译:水分散粒剂最大的优点就是计量方便。)

13. Odometry Used for speed measurement and distance measurement. (翻译:里程计用于测速和测距。)

14. Cubage measurement, complying with the national measurement standard , provides an exact measurement to the packed material with even dense. (翻译:采用容积法计量,对于密度均匀的被包装物料计量准确,符合国家计量标准。)

15. Uncertainty Analysis of High Precision Laboratory Salinometer in Measurement (翻译:高精度实验室盐度计测量结果的不确定度分析)

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