例句:Could have picked you to the bone! (向人敲骨吸髓 Could have picked you to the bone!)
1. Part of the tall, neural spine of the bone was broken off. (翻译:neural spine of the bone was broken off.)
2. These are actually used to burrow into the bone and collect bone marrow or sample bone lesions. (翻译:这些实际用于钻入骨头 和收集骨髓或病变骨头的样本。)
3. Secret sisters giving me bone marrow? (翻译:Secret sisters giving me bone marrow? 神秘的妹妹要给我捐赠骨髓)
4. She beat Bone Chillin by two lengths at practice yesterday. (翻译:她打败了 Bone Chillin 在昨天2圈的练习赛里)
5. Yeah, not a mean bone in his body. (翻译:not a mean bone in his body.)
6. What I'm most proud about you, T-Bone... (翻译:我最为你自豪的是 你T -Bone...)
7. T-bone forgets where he buries his bone. (翻译:T - bone忘记把自己的骨头埋在哪里了。)
8. And put a human spine back together bone by bone? (翻译:如何将断裂的脊椎拼回原位的呢 And put a human spine back together bone by bone?)
9. Bone, muscle, and arterial damage. (翻译:Bone, muscle, and arterial damage. 骨骼,肌肉,和动脉损伤。)
10. Bone of the father unwillingly given. (翻译:父亲的骨头... Bone of the father... 不知情的给予 ...unwillingly given.)
11. I am a rock hard trooper To the bone, the bone, the bone (翻译:*我是强悍的士兵,强到骨子里,强到骨子里*)
12. They were doing a programme about rag-and-bone men. (翻译:他们正在做一起有关拾荒者的节目 They were doing a programme about rag -and -bone men.)
13. If I had a coronary condition and a clean rag was placed in my mouth... and the rag was pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells... would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out? (翻译:如果我有冠状动脉问题, 在嘴里塞上一块干净的抹布... 塞得非常深,我的细胞是否有可能... 在拿掉抹布后继续燃烧糖分呢?)
14. The ragged man drags a wagon of rag fragments. (翻译:那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车的破布碎片。)
15. Cleo and T-bone come to visit. (翻译:Cleo和T - bone来拜访。)