raguss是什么意思 raguss的中文翻译、读音、例句

raguss是什么意思 raguss的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Christopher Pike, captain of the USS Enterprise... (我是Christopher Pike 星舰企业号的舰长)


例句:Everybody do the Michigan rag (- 贝蒂! ∮ Everybody do the Michigan rag ∮)


例句:Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge. (阿拉巴马救生船 我是弗兰克・卡斯泰拉诺 美国海军班布里奇号的指挥官)


1. Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge. (翻译:阿拉巴马救生船 我是弗兰克・卡斯泰拉诺 美国海军班布里奇号的指挥官)

2. The first atomic submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched at Groton, Conn. (翻译:年,第一艘核潜艇鹦鹉螺号在美国康涅狄格州格罗顿启动。)

3. We're deploying a SEAL team with USS Boxer and USS Halyburton as support. (翻译:我们在哈里伯顿号和拳师号航空母舰的帮助下部署海豹突击队)

4. The ragged man drags a wagon of rag fragments. (翻译:那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车的破布碎片。)

5. Must reside in a PDSE or USS file. (翻译:它们必须驻留在pdse或uss文件中。)

6. The ragged man drags a waggon of rag fragments. (翻译:那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车破布碎片。)

7. So cheap, he squeezes out the bar rag. (翻译:他是这么小气... ... 抠出了吧台用的抹布)

8. The USS Oriskany is now at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. (翻译:美国海军航空母舰欧立斯康尼号现在位于墨西哥海湾的底部。)

9. This is captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. (翻译:我是企业号的舰长 James T. Kirk)

10. This table is sticky! Run a damp rag across it! (翻译:这桌子粘乎乎的 快那破抹布擦擦吧 This table is sticky!)

11. Arthur used the barometer of the USS Eldridge to stop time and escape. (翻译:Arthur用Eldridge军舰的 气压计停止时间逃走了)

12. By Shakespeare's time that had broadened to include dogbolt, drivel, marmoset, skitbrains and shack-rag. (翻译:到了莎士比亚时代,又有一些新词出现。其中包括:dogbolt, drivel, marmoset, skitbrains和shack - rag。)

13. If I had a coronary condition and a clean rag was placed in my mouth... and the rag was pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells... would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out? (翻译:如果我有冠状动脉问题, 在嘴里塞上一块干净的抹布... 塞得非常深,我的细胞是否有可能... 在拿掉抹布后继续燃烧糖分呢?)

14. What's this white exemption rag doing on your arm? (翻译:你臂上的白袖章哪来的? 买来的,犹太人?)

15. See, Doo Rag, your mind-- it is like a gun! (翻译:见,斗抹布, 你的心 - 它就像一把枪!)



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