rami communicans griseus是什么意思 rami communicans griseus的中文翻译、读音、例

rami communicans griseus是什么意思 rami communicans griseus的中文翻译、读音、例

rami communicans griseus通常被翻译为"灰交通支"的意思,在英美地区还有"医"的意思,在线读音是[ramicommunicansgriseus],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到53个与rami communicans griseus相关的例句。

Rami communicans griseus的中文翻译


例句:Rami Makhlouf, Syria's richest man and a cousin of the president, says the regime will fight to the end, if need be. (总统的表兄,叙利亚最富有的人拉米马克鲁夫称,如果需要的话,现政权将与之血战到底。)


例句:Rami Shaaban and Stuart Taylor are also also out, so 18-year-old goalkeeper Craig Holloway takes his place on the bench. (拉米·沙班和泰勒也因为受伤缺席,现在xx岁的年轻小将霍利维将在替补席上待命。)


rami communicans griseus一般作为名词使用,如在rami communicans([医] 交通支)、Ramus communicans griseus(灰交通支)、gray rami communicans([医] 灰交通支)等常见短语中出现较多。

rami communicans[医] 交通支
Ramus communicans griseus灰交通支
gray rami communicans[医] 灰交通支
rami communicans albus[医] 白交通支
rami communicans fibularis[医] 腓侧交通支
rami communicans peronaeus[医] 腓侧交通支
rami communicans tibialis[医] 胫侧交通支
rami communicans ulnaris[医] 尺侧交通支
white rami communicans[医] 白交通支


1. As a result, insertion of a pedicle screw through the mammillary process at one level can cause injury to the medial branch of the dorsal rami that supplies the adjacent cephalad level. (翻译:因此,在一个节段经乳突置入椎弓根螺钉可引起支配相邻关节突关节头侧水平结构的后内侧支损伤。)

2. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the diagnosis and treatment of the compression syndrome in cervical dorsal rami nerve. (翻译:目的:为临床诊治颈神经后支卡压提供解剖学基础。)

3. Objective: To investigate the role of L2 ramus communicans in the nociceptive pathway of low back pain. (翻译:目的:探讨L2脊神经交通支在椎间盘源性腰痛传导通路中的作用。)

4. Imad Sabouni stays in charge of telecommunications, a field dominated by Mr Assad's cousin, Rami Makhlouf. (翻译:还有,阿萨德的堂兄拉米•马柳夫执掌的电讯公司一直由伊马德•萨布尼担任电讯部长。)

5. Analyst Rami Nasrallah said he will be surprised if leaders of the two sides reach any kind of deal. (翻译:分析人士纳斯鲁拉说,他很怀疑双方领导人会达成任何协议。)

6. the underside of the head, including the mandibular rami, covered with scales having a single spinous ridge. (翻译:头部的下面,包括颚的分支,覆盖著有一个单一刺状的脊的鳞片了。)

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