例句:The camaraderie is quite apparent. (The camaraderie is quite apparent.)
1. Quite the contrary, Hessler. (翻译:Quite the contrary, Hessler. 正相反,赫斯勒)
2. He will be altered quite a bit (翻译:他将有不少改变 He will be altered quite a bit)
3. And now, let us listen to the Ave Maria in Dora's performance. (翻译:现在让我们在 Dóra 的追悼会上,聆听圣母颁吧)
4. -I ordered you a helmet with visor not raseupas while driving. (翻译:我命令你的头盔与面罩 不ra? èupa? ,而驾驶。)
5. Straight away, they proved to be quite an eye-opener. (翻译:they proved to be quite an eye -opener.)
6. PCG: What are you looking forward to about Red Alert 3, and what would you like to see? (翻译:PCG:你对RA3有什么期待呢?你想看到什么?)
7. Don't let this happen to you, baby (翻译:Made quite a few bad decisions)
8. The army put full rrsponsibi/ity on the /ra. (翻译:军方将责任推诿给共和军 宣称被迫 对暴力作出回应)
9. The RA values increase before rockburst and decrease during rockburst. (翻译:岩爆前ra值增加,岩爆时降低。)
10. Yes, the bouillabaisse looks quite good. (翻译:the bouillabaisse looks quite good.)
11. Needed to know I was right. (翻译:-one knew quite how it all fitted together.)
12. The not-quite-good-enough. (翻译:The not -quite -good)
13. Well, this is quite a surprise. (翻译:简直太意外了 This is quite a surprise.)
14. The taxi driver is quite perky. (翻译:The taxi driver is quite perky.)
15. Held up quite well, actually. (翻译:Yeah. Held up quite well, actually.)