microwave measurement是什么意思 microwave measurement的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave measurement是什么意思 microwave measurement的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave measurement在英语中代表"计"的意思,其次还有"微波测量"的意思,在线读音是[microwavemeasurement],microwave measurement常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到20个与microwave measurement相关的例句。

Microwave measurement的中文翻译


例句:Just need to use the microwave. (Just need to use the microwave.)


例句:Is the inside of your microwave sporting some soup splatters? (微波炉里是不是有一些汤洒出来了? )


microwave measurement一般作为名词使用,如在microwave distance measurement(微波测距)、microwave impedance measurement(微波阻抗测量)、microwave power measurement(微波功率测量)等常见短语中出现较多。

microwave distance measurement微波测距
microwave impedance measurement微波阻抗测量
microwave power measurement微波功率测量
microwave radiometric measurement微波辐射测量
measurement of…的测量
digital microwave数字微波,数位微波
effect of microwave微波影响


1. What is your bust measurement, Madam? (翻译:您的胸围是多少,太太? )

2. Try throwing it in the microwave for a few seconds. (翻译:放微波炉里热几秒再试试[然后再捅进去] Try throwing it in the microwave for a few seconds.)

3. I couldn't. No money, no microwave, no convenience store. (翻译:没有钱 没有微波炉 没便利店 No money, no microwave, no convenience store.)

4. He put the sagging box in the microwave and nuked it. (翻译:他将那个变得松软的盒子放入微波炉烹饪。)

5. Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck. (翻译:再送你个小微波炉串起来挂脖上 Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck.)

6. I gave up being surprised when they came up with the microwave oven. (翻译:他们发明微波炉后 就没有什么能让我惊讶了 I gave up being surprised when they came up with the microwave oven.)

7. Would you care for more microwave popcorn? (翻译:还想再吃点微波炉爆米花吗 Would you care for more microwave popcorn?)

8. A microwave and a bottle whiskey is not many presents. (翻译:一个微波炉和一瓶威士忌 可不能算太多礼物)

9. But one measurement is not enough. (翻译:如果北冰洋变成一个 巨大的暖海洋 正如科学家预测的那样)

10. To extend microwave heating applications, researches of microwave deicing have been done. (翻译:为拓展微波加热的应用领域,对微波路面除冰进行了研究。)

11. Here is a rough-and-ready measurement. (翻译:这是一次马马虎虎的测量。)

12. The 5K cell towers could microwave people. (翻译:5K信号塔相当于把人放进微波炉里了 The 5K cell towers could microwave people.)

13. The microwave will bleep when your meal is ready. (翻译:烹调结束时,微波炉会发出哔哔的声音。)

14. The pacer width measurement is combined with the PPM measurement. (翻译:该起搏器脉宽测量相结合的PPM公司测量。)

15. A microwave is a good investment. (翻译:微波炉值得买。)

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