reactor manufacturer是什么意思 reactor manufacturer的中文翻译、读音、例句

reactor manufacturer是什么意思 reactor manufacturer的中文翻译、读音、例句

reactor manufacturer的意思是"应堆制造商",其中文解释还有"应堆制造商"的意思,发音是[reactormanufacturer],reactor manufacturer是一个英语名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到24个与reactor manufacturer相关的例句。

Reactor manufacturer的翻译


例句:Target the base at Scarif, single reactor ignition. (瞄准斯卡里夫基地 单反应堆点火 Target the base at Scarif, single reactor ignition.)


reactor manufacturer一般作为名词使用,如在manufacturer(n. 制造业者, 厂商\n[经] 制造人, 制造商, 制造厂)、equipment manufacturer(装备制造业)、food manufacturer([网络] 食品加工厂;劳动力成本;食品制造)等常见短语中出现较多。

manufacturern. 制造业者, 厂商\n[经] 制造人, 制造商, 制造厂
equipment manufacturer装备制造业
food manufacturer[网络] 食品加工厂;劳动力成本;食品制造
glass manufacturer玻璃制造者
hardware manufacturer硬件制造商
leading manufacturer主要厂家
lumber manufacturer制材工作者
machinery manufacturer农机制造厂[者]
manufacturer agent厂商代理


1. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock. (翻译:这是一家生产防盗锁地厂家。)

2. They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products. (翻译:他们在防御性和商业性的产品方面都是领先的制造商。)

3. A pressurised water reactor is a little different. (翻译:一个压水式反应堆有点不同。)

4. - The primary reactor coolant loop is ruptured. (翻译:船尾反应堆的主冷却线路断裂了 什么? 怎么发生的?)

5. Okay, I tracked down the manufacturer of the key (翻译:我查了从Faith尸体里 找到的钥匙的制造商)

6. an important and distinguished chemical manufacturer. (翻译:不过对方可是你说的 数一数二的科学研发企业)

7. The breeder reactor, which EBR-1 was a prototype for, and the light water reactor. (翻译:传播反应器, 该EBR -1是一个原型, - 和轻水反应堆。)

8. - The reactor scrammed automatically. (翻译:-核心是否有损坏? -The reactor scrammed automatically.)

9. If the Proposer is not a manufacturer, are the products modified, altered, treated or handled? (翻译:如果投保人不是制造商,那产品可以更改、改变或另作处理吗?)

10. The largest manufacturer of Silymarin in China. (翻译:中国最大的水飞蓟素生产企业。)

11. The manufacturer is rebating this air conditioner. (翻译:制造商正在折价出售这款空调。)

12. It's a calandria type reactor. (翻译:这是一个压力排管式的反应堆。)

13. How did you know that our reactor accident was false? (翻译:你怎么知道我们的反应堆事故是假的? Then how did you know our reactor accident was false?)

14. - Noted, Comrade Captain. - The reactor compartment. (翻译:我们已注意到了,船长同志 是反应堆船舱的毛病)

15. Bisazza is the world no. 1 Mosaic manufacturer. (翻译:碧莎是世界一级的义大利马赛克制造商。)

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