microwave dryer是什么意思 microwave dryer的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave dryer是什么意思 microwave dryer的中文翻译、读音、例句

microwave dryer在中文中有"微波干燥器"的意思,作为名词时有"化"的意思,读音为[microwavedryer],microwave dryer常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到42个与microwave dryer相关的句子。

Microwave dryer的中文翻译


例句:A microwave and a bottle whiskey is not many presents. (一个微波炉和一瓶威士忌 可不能算太多礼物)


例句:It may be "dryer" and does not have all the "funny" retorts, but it is at least accurate! (这可能是“机”,并没有所有的“滑稽”反驳,但它至少是正确的!)


microwave dryer一般作为名词使用,如在microwave heating dryer(微波加热式干燥机)、dryer(n. 干衣机, 干燥剂\n[化] 干燥剂; 催干剂; 干燥器; 干燥设备; 烘箱)、microwave(微波 )等常见短语中出现较多。

microwave heating dryer微波加热式干燥机
dryern. 干衣机, 干燥剂\n[化] 干燥剂; 催干剂; 干燥器; 干燥设备; 烘箱
dielectric dryer[化] 高频干燥机
direct dryer[食品] 直接干燥机
dropping dryer鸡粪干燥机, 畜粪干燥机
drum dryer[化] 转鼓式干燥机; 鼓式干燥器
dryer assembly干燥器整件
dryer basket燥器组件


1. Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck. (翻译:再送你个小微波炉串起来挂脖上 Get a little gold microwave and put it on chain around your neck.)

2. I gave up being surprised when they came up with the microwave oven. (翻译:他们发明微波炉后 就没有什么能让我惊讶了 I gave up being surprised when they came up with the microwave oven.)

3. Damn. She got in a fight with a hair dryer. And the hair dryer won. (翻译:该死,她在和吹风机过不去,而且吹风机赢了)

4. The work provides a fundation for designing a dryer and optimizing the operation. (翻译:上述工作为干燥器的设计及操作的优化奠定了基础。)

5. Microwave treatment of condyloma. (翻译:微波治疗尖锐湿疣。)

6. Jake Hardin: You know, I got a washer-dryer, uh. . . microwave popcorn, satellite T. V. (翻译:杰克:你要知道,我有烘干机、微波爆米花,卫星电视。)

7. A microwave is a good investment. (翻译:微波炉值得买。)

8. It looks like a hair dryer from Mars. (翻译:它看上去就像来自火星的吹风机。但它是完全安全的, )

9. There's nothing in the Flynn's garbage, washing machine, or dryer. (翻译:弗林家的垃圾桶里什么都没有 洗衣机或烘干机里也是)

10. I'll use the dryer, read a book and that's just great. (翻译:然后一边吹干头发, 一边拿本书来读... 这一切都很好。)

11. You might as well throw him into a microwave. (翻译:不 这些灯还有机器 你还不如直接把他扔进微波炉里)

12. The 5K cell towers could microwave people. (翻译:5K信号塔相当于把人放进微波炉里了 The 5K cell towers could microwave people.)

13. A good day is when I have quarters for a dryer. (翻译:好日子是 我有零钱用烘干机 {\3cH202020}A good day is when I have quarters for a dryer.)

14. Dryer, which makes your fine hair full and tangly. (翻译:烘干机,使您的氄充分和纠缠。)

15. Effect of microwave pretreatment power, pretreatment time and different microwave pretreatment conditions on the rection was discussed. (翻译:探讨了微波预处理功率、预处理时间及在不同条件下预处理对反应的影响。)

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