recession limb是什么意思 recession limb的中文翻译、读音、例句

recession limb是什么意思 recession limb的中文翻译、读音、例句

recession limb的意思是"过程线下降段",作为名词时有"过程线下降段"的意思,发音是[recessionlimb],recession limb常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到17个与recession limb相关的句子。

Recession limb的释义




recession limb一般作为名词使用,如在hydrograph recession limb(过程线下降段)、recession(①后退②衰退 )、limb(肢体 )等常见短语中出现较多。

hydrograph recession limb过程线下降段
limb from limb[网络] 血肉横飞;大卸八块;肢离破碎
direction of recession回收方向
economic recession[经] 经济衰退
financial recession经济衰退
flood recession洪水退落
gingival recession牙龈退缩


1. Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor. (翻译:患侧在上,嘱患肢屈膝屈髋。)

2. Results Significant improvements in the patency rate of limb veins and limb symptoms were confirmed by the anterograde venography. (翻译:结果经顺行静脉造影确认所有患肢静脉通畅度均明显改善,患肢症状明显好转。)

3. That can be sent out wirelessly to the bionic limb, then [sensory information] on the bionic limb can be converted to stimulations in adjacent channels, sensory channels. (翻译:这个可以由无线传送到仿生臂上, 然后在仿生臂上的传感器 就可以转换为刺激 到相邻近的管网神经,传感管网神经。)

4. Trembling in every limb, Peter answered, "Yes!" (翻译:彼得浑身发抖,回答说:“是的!” )

5. And that capability is embedded in the chips of the bionic limb. (翻译:而这种性能已经被植入 仿生腿的芯片中。)

6. Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession. (翻译:xx年大陆宏观调控 很多左軚车行都支持不住 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession.)

7. I am not out on a limb for anyone but you. (翻译:你是我唯一的弱点 {\3cH000000}I am not out on a limb for anyone but you.)

8. In the "Inferno’s" circle of the Wrathful, Dante eagerly witnesses sinners tear Black Guelph Filippo Argenti limb from limb. (翻译:在《地狱篇》的愤怒狱中, 但丁迫切地见证罪囚 将黑党分子 菲力普 · 阿根提的身体肢解。)

9. Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart, limb from limb. (翻译:力量大到足以将常人的四肢撕下来 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb.)

10. What's beautiful is, you can probably see on the limb there some faint, sort of, wisps of almost smoke rising up from the limb. (翻译:很美丽的地方是,又可以在这里看到 一些微弱的 像烟雾一样的鬼火 冉冉升起。)

11. I know because I was in that willow tree over there up on that limb. (翻译:那边的柳树的树枝上 willow tree over there up in that limb. 你记得你跟我说过什么吗?)

12. What's beautiful is, you can probably see on the limb there some faint, sort of, wisps of almost smoke rising up from the limb. (翻译:很美丽的地方是,又可以在这里看到 一些微弱的 像烟雾一样的鬼火 冉冉升起。)

13. The phantom limb -- they'll say, "But doctor, the phantom limb is paralyzed. (翻译:这幻肢... 他们告诉我:“大夫,我的幻肢被麻痹了,)

14. ... above the limb, yes, it would be difficult ... (翻译:假肢以上,是的,会有点困难...... )

15. The recession devitalized the economy. (翻译:衰退使经济失去活力。)

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