reducibility criterion是什么意思 reducibility criterion的中文翻译、读音、例句

reducibility criterion是什么意思 reducibility criterion的中文翻译、读音、例句

reducibility criterion在中文中有"可约性准则"的意思,还有可约性准则的意思,读音为[reducibilitycriterion],reducibility criterion在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到90个与reducibility criterion相关的例句。

Reducibility criterion的词典翻译


例句:Genii coefficient constitutes an important international criterion to measure the income gap of a country or a region. (国际上通常使用基尼系数作为衡量一个国家或地区收入差距的重要标志。)


reducibility criterion一般作为名词使用,如在reducibility([计] 可约性)、honest reducibility(纯正可归约性)、Karp reducibility(卡普可归约性)等常见短语中出现较多。

reducibility[计] 可约性
honest reducibility纯正可归约性
Karp reducibility卡普可归约性
random reducibility随机归约[性]
reducibility axiom可约性公理
reducibility indexun. 还原指数
reducibility of problem[计] 归约性题, 可简化问题
reducibility problem[数] 可约性问题
Turing reducibility图灵可归约性


1. Practice is the sole criterion of truth. (翻译:实践是检验真理的唯一标准。)

2. The occurence of this metabolite is used as a criterion in the polyphasic taxonomy of A. candidus. (翻译:该代谢物的出现被作为闪白曲霉多相分类的一种标准。)

3. The failure criterion of asphalt concrete was not in good agree with the Mohr -Coulomb criterion. (翻译:另外,沥青混凝土的破坏准则也并非符合莫尔-库仑破坏准则。)

4. The Routh Stability Criterion and Its Application Based on Symbolic Math Toolbox (翻译:基于符号数学工具箱的Routh稳定判据及应用)

5. Same argument, if indoor lamplight is aspersed equably to everywhere, criterion the result is obvious; (翻译:一样的道理,假如室内灯光均匀地洒向各处,则效果平淡无奇;)

6. If the only criterion for software was to get the right answer, we would not need architectures. (翻译:如果评判软件的唯一标准是正确,那么就不需要体系结构。)

7. In the philosophy of the Chinese traditional aesthetics, there is a special blue aesthetical criterion. (翻译:在中国传统的审美哲理中,存在着特殊的忧郁审美情结。)

8. In judging literary work, art troth is an important criterion but is not sole and indispensable criterion. (翻译:艺术真实是评判文学作品的重要标准,但不是唯一、必不可少的标准;)

9. it involves logical equivalence, material implication, Nicod's criterion and other concepts. (翻译:它涉及逻辑等值、实质蕴含、尼柯德标准等多种因素。)

10. This scheme decomposes the difficulty of CORBA criterion hugeness and complexity. (翻译:该方案化解了CORBA技术规范庞大、复杂而带来的困难。)

11. he worked here. Uh, then he left and he went to work for Criterion across the street. (翻译:后来他辞职了 转去对街的Criterion车行)

12. Then EIFSR criterion and life criterion for initial fatigue quality evaluation and coincidence check are established. (翻译:并据此建立了原始疲劳质量符合性检查的EIF-SR判据和寿命判据。)

13. Here, the Omniscient Buddha points out the criterion of the true Dhamma. (翻译:这里,佛陀指出了判断正法的标准。)

14. Nozick has refuted all kinds of criterion in his distributive justice. (翻译:诺齐克的分配正义不以任何原则为标准。)

15. The toke selection algorithm and criterion are summarized. (翻译:研究了像点选择算法,总结选取像点的标准。)

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