reducer tee是什么意思 reducer tee的中文翻译、读音、例句

reducer tee是什么意思 reducer tee的中文翻译、读音、例句

reducer tee的意思是"异径三通、化",在日常中也代表"异径三通管"的意思,发音音标为[reducertee],reducer tee在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到84个与reducer tee相关的例句。

Reducer tee的中文翻译


例句:Chan deechai mahk tee dai pop. (Chan deechai mahk tee dai pop.)


例句:It'll be the name of my son's tee-ball team. (- 什么队? - 我儿子少儿棒球队的名字)


例句:And I myself instead regressed several few steps, finally dizzy eyes a black faint in the tee the stage. (而我自己反而倒退了好几步,最后头晕晕的眼前一黑晕倒在了tee台上。)


reducer tee一般作为名词使用,如在reducer(n. 渐缩管, 缩减者, 还原剂\n[化] 变径段; 变径管; 异径管; 大小头; 还原剂; 减速器; 减振器; 节流器)、tee(n. T字形, T字形之物, 发球区, 球座, 目标\nvt. 搁在球座上\na. T字形的)、to a tee(恰好地)等常见短语中出现较多。

reducern. 渐缩管, 缩减者, 还原剂\n[化] 变径段; 变径管; 异径管; 大小头; 还原剂; 减速器; 减振器; 节流器
teen. T字形, T字形之物, 发球区, 球座, 目标\nvt. 搁在球座上\na. T字形的
to a tee恰好地
drag reducer[化] 减阻剂
eccentric reducer偏心异径管接
emulsifying reducer[纺] 乳化稀释浆
expansion reducer起痂
female reducer阴缩管
flash reducer燃点降低物


1. And I myself instead regressed several few steps, finally dizzy eyes a black faint in the tee the stage. (翻译:而我自己反而倒退了好几步,最后头晕晕的眼前一黑晕倒在了tee台上。)

2. It is not an optimizer, compressor, or token reducer, and it is not able to flush a browser's cache. (翻译:它不是优化器、压缩器或令牌回收器,它不能刷新浏览器的缓存。)

3. I sold our last cupcake tee! (翻译:我卖掉了最后一件纸杯蛋糕T恤! I sold our last cupcake tee!)

4. They're good. Emily's doing ballet. Robby is in tee-ball. (翻译:挺好的 艾米丽在学芭蕾 罗比在乐乐棒球队)

5. Compared with TTE, TEE provided more accurate region of prolapsed mitral valve. (翻译:TEE在二尖瓣脱垂部位的分区中比TTE准确。)

6. The driving device comprises an electric motor, a reducer, an arrester, a driving wheel and a frame. (翻译:所述驱动装置包括电动机、减速器、制动器、驱动轮和机架;)

7. Using a reducer of ascorbic acid, similar rates of iron release from both DALFH and DALF were observed. (翻译:用抗坏血酸作为还原剂时,DALF和DALFH释放铁速率几乎相同。)

8. Our main products: reducer, gear motor, bevel gear, worm - gear motor, cycloidal reducer and variator. (翻译:公司主要产品有:齿轮减速机;蜗轮蜗杆减速机;螺旋伞齿轮减速机;摆线针轮减速机及无级变速器。)

9. I guess I became overcome with emotion cos they had to help me off the tee. (翻译:我好像被那种情绪所征服... 之后他们扶我离开发球处)

10. tee is an instantly recognizable catchphrase to any die hard Seinfeld fan. (翻译:发球是一个即时识别的口号,任何模具努力塞恩菲尔德范。)

11. A-course now we call it Tee-Mousing. (翻译:Of course now we call it Tee -Mousing.)

12. It is equipped with manometer, pressure reducer and flow indicator. (翻译:其上装有压力表、减压器和流量表。)

13. The machine is canceled the underprop, wheel and axle are directly fixed on the reducer, so the machine is lightened its weight; (翻译:本机型的设计取消了支撑架,轮轴直接固定在减速器上,减轻了重量;)

14. Simon dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes screwed up. (翻译:西蒙·迪达勒斯把眼角那么一吊,学他学得可像哩。)

15. If 'ozo' means yes and the overlord is Tee, it truthfully replies, "ozo." (翻译:如果“哦”是“是”,而回答者是T, 他会诚实地说“哦”。)

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