reentrant programming的意思是"可重入程序设计",在英美地区还有"计"的意思,发音音标为[reentrantprogramming],reentrant programming在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到46个与reentrant programming相关的例句。
Reentrant programming的中文翻译
例句:This was always your programming. (你的程序一直是这么设定的 This was always your programming.)
例句:Programming, it turns out, ishard. (编程,其实很难。)
reentrant programming一般作为名词使用,如在reentrant(再次进入的 )、not reentrant([计] 不可重入的)、programming(n. 节目的计划, 编制程序\n[计] 程序设计; 程序编制)等常见短语中出现较多。
reentrant | 再次进入的 |
not reentrant | [计] 不可重入的 |
programming | n. 节目的计划, 编制程序\n[计] 程序设计; 程序编制 |
quasi reentrant | 准可重入 |
reentrant angle | 凹角 |
reentrant angles | [数] 凹角,重入角 |
reentrant attribute | 可重入属性 |
reentrant beam | 重入注 |
reentrant cathode | 凹形阴极 |
1. It gives the frame of DFL programming language. (翻译:提出了DF L程序设计语言的基本框架结构。)
2. Salina forestry programming planning. (翻译:盐土林业规划。)
3. Last the programming of VESA for the image is discussed. (翻译:最后,讨论了应用vesa视频接口时行图像显示的编程方法。)
4. Must not call non-reentrant functions? (翻译:绝对不调用不可重入的函数。)
5. There are some programming errors that need correction. (翻译:有一些程序错误需要改正。)
6. My programming will not allow me to harm the Umbrella Corporation. (翻译:我的程序不允许我 My programming will not allow me to harm 伤害保护伞公司 the Umbrella Corporation.)
7. Your soul's programming is'based on its DNA programming to be acted out as encoded. It the release as if a canisters or time capsule. (翻译:你的灵魂程序规划是基于它的脱氧核糖核酸DNA程序规划以编码的方式付诸实施。它释放出来好像一个小罐或时间囊。)
8. My programming will not allow me to harm an employee of the Umbrella Corporation. (翻译:我的程序不允许我 My programming will not allow me 伤害保护伞公司的员工 to harm an employee of the Umbrella Corporation.)
9. Note that this follows a standard convention for the naming of reentrant function by suffixing the function name with "_r" . (翻译:注意,这里遵循了标准惯例,通过向函数名添加“_r”后缀来命名可重入函数。)
10. Linear fractional goal programming is a new branch of goal Programming developed in recent years. Up to now, there is no general algorithm. (翻译:线性分式目标规划是近几年发展起来的目标规划的新分支,尚无一般解法。)
11. Tapestry seeks to provide a simplified programming model and an easy-to-use environment for Web application programming. (翻译:Tapestry试图为Web应用程序提供一种简化的编程模型和易于使用的环境。)
12. "The Sitges Festival is still young, but there is a boldness to their programming (翻译:锡切斯电影节委员会 刚刚成立不久.他们的安排...)
13. Defines reentrancy and includes a POSIX listing of a reentrant function (翻译:定义了可重入性,并包含一个可重入函数的POSIX清单。)
14. The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant; functions and initialized it (翻译:下面的EQU语句定义重入函数的堆栈指针并初始化它)
15. VB6. 0 briefly introduced the programming environment and its database programming technology. (翻译:简单介绍了VB6.0的编程环境和其数据库编程技术。)