reentrant attribute在中文中有"可重入属性"的意思,在英美地区还有"可重入属性"的意思,发音音标为[reentrantattribute],reentrant attribute常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到42个与reentrant attribute相关的句子。
Reentrant attribute的翻译
例句:The attribute of the hexagram is devotion; its image is the earth. (这个卦的属性是“奉献”, 它的表现形式是“地球”。)
reentrant attribute一般作为名词使用,如在reentrant(再次进入的 )、not reentrant([计] 不可重入的)、attribute(属性)等常见短语中出现较多。
reentrant | 再次进入的 |
not reentrant | [计] 不可重入的 |
attribute | 属性 |
the attribute | [网络] 定语;属性 |
quasi reentrant | 准可重入 |
reentrant angle | 凹角 |
reentrant angles | [数] 凹角,重入角 |
reentrant beam | 重入注 |
reentrant cathode | 凹形阴极 |
1. How to use the noresize attribute. (翻译:这个例子示范了 noresize 属性。)
2. If the information is required to be in a standard DTD-like attribute type such as ID, IDREF, or ENTITY, use an attribute. (翻译:如果信息需要作为类似标准DTD的属性类型,如ID、IDREF或ENTITY,则使用属性。)
3. And most importantly, men attribute their success to themselves, and women attribute it to other external factors. (翻译:更重要的是, 男性把他们的成功归功于他们自身, 而女性则归功于其他外部因素。)
4. And everything revolves around their unique attribute, feathers. (翻译:其中的关键 就在它们独一无二的特征,羽毛)
5. It retrieves the version attribute in string form. (翻译:它获取了字符串格式的版本属性。)
6. The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant; functions and initialized it (翻译:下面的EQU语句定义重入函数的堆栈指针并初始化它)
7. So perfectly organized a structure, it was hard not to attribute divinity to it. (翻译:组织的如此完美的一个结构, 很难不把这说成是神威所致 )
8. Couldn't we attribute it to a leading member of the sieve... (翻译:不能写是筛子... 不 内阁领导人吗? Attribute it to a leading member of the sieve...)
9. In the case of an aggregate attribute, the path used to reach the aggregated expressions within the referenced attribute. (翻译:在访问聚合属性时,用于访问被引用属性中的聚合表达式的路径。)
10. Non-reentrant functions and static variables. (翻译:不可重入函数和静态变量。)
11. Competitive atrium capture during cristal tachycardia coexisting with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (翻译:界嵴心动过速与房室结折返性心动过速并存时心房激动的竞争夺获现象)
12. I will refer to this kind of object as a multigroup attribute. (翻译。)
13. Defines reentrancy and includes a POSIX listing of a reentrant function (翻译:定义了可重入性,并包含一个可重入函数的POSIX清单。)
14. Rename attribute3 to productID and leave string as the type. (翻译:将 attribute3 重命名为 productID,并保留 string 类型。)
15. Either the PropertyName or ItemName attribute is required. (翻译:PropertyName或ItemName属性是必需的。)