regioal hypothesis是什么意思 regioal hypothesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

regioal hypothesis是什么意思 regioal hypothesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

regioal hypothesis在中文中有"区域假定"的意思,还有区域假定的意思,在线发音:[regioalhypothesis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到32个与regioal hypothesis相关的句子。

Regioal hypothesis的中文翻译


例句:To test his hypothesis, he carried radiation detectors high into the sky. (为了验证这个假设,他携带着辐射探测器 To test his hypothesis, he carried radiation detectors 飞向高空 high into the sky.)


regioal hypothesis一般作为名词使用,如在hypothesis(假设 )、dilatancy hypothesis([地震] 膨胀假说)、diluvial hypothesis(洪积说)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilatancy hypothesis[地震] 膨胀假说
diluvial hypothesis洪积说
dipolar hypothesis[医]偶极说
dipole hypothesis[医] 两极说
economic hypothesis经济假设
domain hypothesis功能区假说
dominance hypothesis显性假说
dopamine hypothesis【心理学】多巴胺假设


1. Reams of research bear out the hygiene hypothesis. (翻译:其实有大量的研究结果都支持卫生假说。)

2. The surprise corroborates our novelty hypothesis. (翻译:这个意外事件证实了 我们的新颖性假设。)

3. This misplay by Einstein leads to the hypothesis of the big bang. (翻译:爱因斯坦的这个失误导致了宇宙膨胀假说的产生。)

4. My hypothesis is, American soldiers are good, usually. (翻译:而我的假设是,美国士兵通常情况下是好的。)

5. Galileo proposed a new hypothesis. (翻译:伽利略提出了一种新的假设。)

6. This alone does not prove the Boserup hypothesis. (翻译:这个没有证明Boserup的假设。)

7. And we devised what we called a "novelty hypothesis." (翻译:于是,我们设想了一个 “新颖性假设”。)

8. So that brings us to our next hypothesis. (翻译:所以说我们的下一个猜想 So that brings us to our next hypothesis.)

9. What hypothesis do you have, detective (翻译:你推断发生了什么,探长 What hypothesis do you have, detective)

10. Our results supported resource partitioning and body size hypothesis, and denied arrival timing and predation risk hypothesis. (翻译:该结果同时支持了差异性分布的资源分隔假说与体型大小假说,而否定了到达日期假说与捕食风险假说。)

11. This led me, as a behavioral economist, to an intriguing hypothesis. (翻译:这让我,想到一个有趣的假设。)

12. This led me, as a behavioral economist, to an intriguing hypothesis. (翻译:这让我,想到一个有趣的假设。)

13. (Laughter) So the physics is that you cannot prove a hypothesis, but it's easy to disprove it -- any hypothesis is shaky. (翻译:笑声 所以物理学是 你不能证明一个假说, 但是很容易就可以推翻它。任何的假说都是不可靠的。)

14. Uh, you mean, my hypothesis. (翻译:嗯 你是说我的猜想吗 Uh, you mean, my hypothesis.)

15. Counterexample An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem. (翻译:反例证对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子)

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