reh soil是什么意思 reh soil的中文翻译、读音、例句

reh soil是什么意思 reh soil的中文翻译、读音、例句

reh soil通常被翻译为"盐土"的意思,其次还有"印度河-恒河平原的"的意思,发音是[rehsoil],reh soil常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到83个与reh soil相关的例句。

Reh soil的释义


例句:The geogrid reinforced soil retaining wall is composed of panel, geogrid and soil. (格栅加筋土挡墙由面板、格栅和土体组成。)


例句:To commit a terrorist atrocity on American soil. (在美国领土预谋恐怖事件 To commit a terrorist atrocity on American soil.)


reh soil一般作为名词使用,如在reh([网络] 屈服强度;屈服点;拥)、Reh's test([医] 雷氏试验(改良锡克氏试验))、the soil(农场生活)等常见短语中出现较多。

reh[网络] 屈服强度;屈服点;拥
Reh's test[医] 雷氏试验(改良锡克氏试验)
the soil农场生活
dilative soil胀性土壤
diluvial soil洪积土
dry soil旱田
drab soil褐色土;褐土;黄褐土
early soil早期温暖的土壤
ectodynamomorphic soil外动力型土壤


1. Soil oribatida exhibits extremely gregarious trait, obviously upright distributing in the soil. (翻译:甲螨具有极高的表聚性,在土壤中的垂直分布明显。)

2. Soil Light soil composed of alluvium and sand. (翻译:土壤轻土壤组成的冲积土和沙子。)

3. The next bests were yellow soil, brown soil, limy soil, Chao soil and rice soil. (翻译:其次为黄壤、棕壤、石灰土、潮土和水稻土。)

4. The CONSOLID solidified soil can significantly reduce the expansion of the phenomenon of soil, significantly better than the lime stabilized soil. (翻译:抗疏力固化土能够大大减少土壤的膨胀现象,效果明显优于石灰稳定土。)

5. Better to talk on American soil. (翻译:还是在美国领土上谈比较好 Better to talk on American soil.)

6. As a special viscous soil, dilative soil causes many problems of ground and slope. (翻译:膨胀土作为一种特殊的粘性土引发了许多地基与边坡方面的问题。)

7. To neutralize these alien threats on our soil. (翻译:来解决我国的这些外星威胁 to neutralize these alien threats on our soil.)

8. Effects of Different Fertilization Systems on Amount of Soil Microorganisms in the Soil of Agave sisalana (翻译:不同的施肥方式对剑麻施肥区域土壤微生物类群的影响)

9. Kenny sumida was back on american soil. (翻译:Kenny Sumida就被遣送回国咯 Kenny Sumida was back on American soil.)

10. the content of K in flue-cured tobacco leaves which grew in red soil, purple soil and yellow soil was close to that in quality tobaccos; (翻译:红壤、紫色土和黄壤上烤后烟叶钾含量相对较高,接近优质烟叶钾含量;)

11. The dark loessial soil (Heilutu) is not only a main zonal soil group in the loess plateau of northwestern China, but an ancient cultivated soil. (翻译:黑垆土是我国西北黄土侵蚀地区主要的地带性土类,也是一种古老的耕种土壤。)

12. Our soil expert just confirmed what Ms. Quinn was saying. (翻译:我们的土壤专家验证了奎恩女士的说法 Our soil expert just confirmed what Ms.)

13. The whites of your eyes are full of reh hess. (翻译:小姐你双眼布满血丝 The whites of your eyes are full of reh hess.)

14. Zucchini will grow, but the soil is too acidic for beets. (翻译:but the soil is too acidic for beets.)

15. For Cultivated Loessial Soil, Dark Loessial Soil and Yellow-brown Soil, the advance distance decreased as silt content increased. (翻译:随土壤深度增加,土壤中原油残留物的含量呈波动递减趋势。)

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