reishus是什么意思 reishus的中文翻译、读音、例句

reishus是什么意思 reishus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Back to the technical track, Reis broke down the list of usual quality consideration suspects when it comes to polysilicon. (回到技术方面,雷斯打破了当谈到多晶硅常见的质量疑虑。)

例句:A style of work which in the words of Professor Arthur Reis makes the Amazon the most underdeveloped region of the country. (阿图尔·雷斯教授所描述的 某种劳作风格 使亚马孙成为了全国最不发达的地区)


例句:Now vacancy rates are at 10.9%, a level not seen since 1991, according to Reis, a. (现在,据房产分析师Reis称,大商场的空置率在10.9%,这一数字为xx年来所仅见。)


1. Now vacancy rates are at 10.9%, a level not seen since 1991, according to Reis, a. (翻译:现在,据房产分析师Reis称,大商场的空置率在10.9%,这一数字为xx年来所仅见。)

2. After some negotiation, he rents the slave for 8,000 reis... for a 3-month trial period. (翻译:一些协商后, 他租了从8000? 閕s ... 对于3个月的试用期。)

3. According to the Rio de Janeiro Court... in February 1797, Bernardino Francisco de Sena... bailed Adao out for 20,000 reis. (翻译:根据本 里约热内卢法院... 在xx年xx月, 圣贝纳迪诺弗朗西斯科·塞纳... 跳伞广告铏出 为20000转閕秒。)

4. Sebastiao told Bernardino that Adao... had fled and stolen 27,000 reis from his factory. (翻译:塞瓦斯蒂安铏告诉圣贝纳迪诺 该广告铏... 逃离和被盗27,000? 閕s 从他的工厂。)

5. Bernardino pays Sebastiao 27,000 reis... and starts searching for his slave. (翻译:圣贝纳迪诺支付塞瓦斯蒂安铏 27,000? 閕s ... 并开始寻找他的奴隶。)

6. He proved his slave did not steal the money... and demanded a 60,000 reis compensation. (翻译:他证明了他的奴隶 没偷到钱... 并要求 60000? 閕报偿。)

7. Brazilian fisherman Elson DE Oliveira, hauls a dead alligator into his boat at Reis Lake, in Manaus, Amazonas state, on Dec. 3, 2009. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,在巴西亚马逊州的玛瑙斯,渔民Elson de Oliveira正在将一头死去的鳄鱼拖到在里斯湖的船上。)

8. May the New Year be a time of laughter and reis enjoyment for you. Best wishes. (翻译:愿新年不单是你欢笑的岁月,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。)

9. When Cartographers super impose the Piri Reis map, over modern map of the world, they were amaze to discover, that the ancient chart was fantasticly accurate in the most minute of details. (翻译:当绘图者将皮里雷斯的地图 与现在的世界地图重叠对比时 他们惊讶地发现 这幅古代地图竟然与现在的地图 惊人的一致)

10. And so... he not only recovered the 47,000 reis he had put out... he also made a 13,000 reis profit. (翻译:等等... 他不仅恢复 在47,000? 閕?)

11. As of 2 June 2011, 502 cases of HUS and 1122 cases of EHEC have been reported, 1624 in total. (翻译:截止xx年xx月xx日,共收到502例溶血性尿毒综合症和1122例肠出血性大肠杆菌病例报告,总计1624例。)

12. Piri Reis Maritime University provides higher maritime education and applied training in Tuzla district of Istanbul, Turkey. (翻译:皮里雷斯海事大学是土耳其图兹拉市专门提供高等海事教育的大学。)

13. It seems that Reis great beauty of this rich marriage has not yet fully prepared. (翻译:看来李嘉欣这个大美人对这场富豪联姻还没有做好充分准备。)

14. So, what's this fruity concoction of yours, hus? (翻译:那么,这是什么水果的 concocotion的你,溶血尿毒综合症?)

15. Brazilian fisherman Elson de Oliveira, hauls a dead alligator into his boat at Reis Lake, in Manaus, Amazonas state, on Dec. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,在巴西亚马逊州的玛瑙斯,渔民ElsondeOliveira正在将一头死去的鳄鱼拖到在里斯湖的船上。)

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