repair plant的中文解释是"修配厂",还经常被翻译为修配厂,发音是[repairplant],repair plant在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到97个与repair plant相关的例句。
Repair plant的词典翻译
例句:Her organs are beyond repair. (-这是一个时间问题。除此之外, 被修复。)
repair plant一般作为名词使用,如在unit repair plant(汽车总成修理厂)、vehicle repair plant(汽车修理厂)、in repair(维修良好)等常见短语中出现较多。
unit repair plant | 汽车总成修理厂 |
vehicle repair plant | 汽车修理厂 |
in repair | 维修良好 |
repair to | 常去…,依靠…,求助于… |
in plant | 在生长发育中 |
plant on | (把…)稳固地放在…之上; 使击中…; 栽赃给… |
plant with | 在…种植 |
the plant | [网络] 植物;工厂;植物呢 |
to plant | 栽植 |
1. Inspect and repair diverter. (翻译:检查并修理转喷器。)
2. How long will it take to repair? (翻译:修好车还要多久? How long will it take to repair? 大概2)
3. The building is badly in need of repair. (翻译:这栋楼急需维修。)
:// (翻译://
5. What about the Plant Varietiesand Seeds Tribunal? (翻译:那么植物品种和种苗监察局? What about the Plant Varietiesand Seeds Tribunal?)
6. With proper care and sunshine, everyone it feeds. (翻译:播种一粒粒 Plant our tiny seeds)
7. What type of plant is that? (翻译:这是什么植物? What type of plant is that?)
8. Plant your feet one at a time. (翻译:Plant your feet one at a time.)
9. Garrison each Bunker with Marines and at least one Firebat then post a couple of SCVs in Auto-Repair mode nearby. (翻译:每个碉堡和海军驻守和至少一个喷火兵然后贴几名scv Auto - Repair模式在附近。)
10. - Layoff at the Chrysler plant. (翻译:克莱斯勒工厂没活儿干了 {\3cH202020}Layoff at the Chrysler plant.)
11. Plant - microbial remediation is better than a single plant repair and a single microbial remediation. (翻译:植物-微生物联合修复的效果优于单一的植物修复和单一的微生物修复效果。)
12. Plant a foot, stay awhile. (翻译:Plant a foot, stay awhile.)
13. Omori water heater repair center, 1, fast repair: repair, spot detection, spot price, on the spot repair. (翻译:大森热水器维修中心,1、快速维修:上门维修,当场检测,当场核价,当场修复。)
14. - The repair people are downstairs now. (翻译:ムフヌ・ヌ睫ユ硼ヘヌハ ン・ヌ眦モン畚N桒 ヌ砒í)
15. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (翻译:栽种有时 拔出所栽种的 也有时 A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted.)