repentaille是什么意思 repentaille的中文翻译、读音、例句

repentaille是什么意思 repentaille的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:I would go to London and begin to repent because you owe God for every life you've taken. (我会去伦敦开始忏悔 因为你亏欠上帝 每一条你夺走的生命)


例句:Repent and you can go to heaven (只要你向天主忏悔就可以上天堂 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Repent and you can go to heaven)


1. "What? ! " He is so astonished, "You asked me to perjure, and now asked me to repent? ! " (翻译:“什么?!”他惊愕不已,“你们叫我做伪证,现在又叫我忏悔?!”)

2. Ille had twice been on the wrong side of decisions in lower courts but this time the judges "understood the nature of the transaction", said Jochen Weck of rossner, the company's lawyers. (翻译:Ille公司在低级法庭已经两次受到了错误的判决,但是这一次法官“发现了这期交易的本质”,公司的律师,来自rossner的Jochen Weck如此说道。)

3. If you value your life, repent now! (翻译:要是你还看重性命就快点忏悔! If you value your life, repent now!)

4. We must work hard to deeply repent our sins. (翻译:我们需要对我们的错误 真心地忏悔 并且用血和汗去反省)

5. But that man said he did not repent of what he had done, Joseph. Not at all. (翻译:不过这个人却认为,他决不懊悔他做过的事,约瑟夫,他一点儿也不懊悔。)

6. I can't repent of my sins! (翻译:我就不能忏悔我的罪过了! )

7. We want them to see us, the victims that they have harmed, and we want them to repent and change. (翻译:我们想让他们正视我们, 我们这些他们曾经伤害的受害者们, 我们也想让他们感到悔恨, 并且做出改变。)

8. If she will return me my jewels I will give over my suit and repent my unlawful solicitation. (翻译:要是她还我珠宝... ...我就此罢休,悔恨自己不该作不正当的追求)

9. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. (翻译:凡我所爱的、我就指责管教﹔所以你要发热心,要悔改。)

10. It was so clever to repent to the doctor (翻译:被害家属中年纪最大的老人家 还是位医生呢)

11. The synod calls on such people to repent or quit the public arena and stop causing havoc to the people. (翻译:宗教会议要求这样的领袖忏悔或停止公共职务,不要再对人们进行蹂躏。)

12. Revelation 3: 19: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. " (翻译:启示录三章十九节:“凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他,所以你要发热心,也要悔改。”)

13. Not guilty do not need to repent, no crime would not be punished, which would be no need to save. (翻译:没罪就不需要忏悔,没罪就不会受到惩罚,从而也就不需要拯救。)

14. I won't repent for what I takefrom you, no matter what happens. (翻译:我不会因拿了你什么而后悔的,不管我会碰到什么)

15. Time enough, I think, to repent for your sins, and to realise the value of life. (翻译:认清生命之重,反省所犯之罪 xx年大概够了吧)

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