replaceable battery在英语中代表"可更换电池"的意思,在日常中也代表"可更换电池"的意思,在线发音:[replaceablebattery],replaceable battery常被用作名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到21个与replaceable battery相关的例句。
Replaceable battery的翻译
例句:He would see I was not so easily replaceable. (他会看到我不是那么容易被取代的。)
replaceable battery一般作为名词使用,如在replaceable(a. 可替换的, 可代替的, 可放在原处的\n[法] 可归原处的, 可替换的, 可撤换的)、battery(①电池组②连续猛击 )、in battery(准备发射)等常见短语中出现较多。
replaceable | a. 可替换的, 可代替的, 可放在原处的\n[法] 可归原处的, 可替换的, 可撤换的 |
battery | ①电池组②连续猛击 |
in battery | 准备发射 |
no battery | [网络] 无电池;不带电池;没有电池 |
the battery | [网络] 棒球伙伴;电池;野球少年 |
field replaceable | [网络] 现场更换 |
replaceable attachment | [建] 可更换工具 |
replaceable base | 置换性盐基 |
replaceable bases | 代换性盐基 |
1. The replaceable electrosurgical end effector cartridge includes two pluggable end effectors and a pair of. . . (翻译:高频电刀的末端执行替换墨盒包括两个可插拔末端效应和一对…)
2. If the battery gauge becomes inaccurate, you must recalibrate your battery. (翻译:如果电池电量变得不准确,你必须重新调整你的电池。)
3. This battery flew up and almost hit me. (翻译:这块电池飞起来差点砸到我 This battery flew up and almost hit me.)
4. Agents, informants, muscle-- they're nice to have, but... finally they're replaceable. (翻译:侦探 内线 属下... 有他们固然好 但是 他们都不长久)
5. I do need you to bring me a battery for the camera... because I forgot the battery. (翻译:我需要你 给我带一个电池 相机... 因为我忘了 电池。)
6. Plumbous acid, nickel cadmium, nickel hydrogen battery combination pulse battery charger (翻译:电动自行车用铅酸、镍镉、镍氢电池组合脉冲充电机)
7. Thermostats are adjustable and replaceable in case of malfunction. (翻译:恒温器为可调节和可替换的,以防其出故障。)
8. Rechargable battery - This tool USES the DeWalt 18 Volt XRP battery. (翻译:可充电电池-这个工具使用得伟18伏特xrp电池。)
9. The study provides new way for designing Liion battery, especially the power battery. (翻译:该研究为锂离子蓄电池特别是锂离子动力电池的设计提供了新的思路。)
10. Tampering with them trips a circuit to the battery and speeds up the reaction. (翻译:任何操作都会使电池的电路连通 Tampering with them trips a circuit to the battery 进而加剧反应 and speeds up the reaction.)
11. Everybody's replaceable so I guess you'll make full professor on the back of this case, huh? (翻译:大家都行 我猜你可因为这个病例 提升为正教授 , 啊 ?)
12. Then by introducing RM battery model with higher precision in describing the battery discharge, the energy model in OPNET is established. (翻译:仿真结果表明,能量建模过程实现机制是可行的且RM电池模型能更准确估算节点寿命。)
13. The use of a replaceable light source means a potentially longer life than CRTs and plasma displays. (翻译:光源可更换,因此潜在寿命比CRT和等离子显示器更长。)
14. Robust cast iron valve body with a fabricated rotor, polyurethane adjustable replaceable blades and a direct drive. (翻译:铸铁阀体配合支架式转子,聚酯易拆除叶片和直驱方式。)
15. Little piece of blue tape keeping the battery attached. (翻译:电池被一小片蓝色胶带粘住了 Little piece of blue tape keeping the battery attached.)