replicatio是什么意思 replicatio的中文翻译、读音、例句

replicatio是什么意思 replicatio的中文翻译、读音、例句

经查证,'replicatio'应为' replication',下文以此为准。

1. 定义:


2. 生物学领域中的replication:

(1)在DNA复制时,指DNA双螺旋的分离,并将每个单链用作新合成DNA的基础,以产生两个重复的DNA 分子。

(2)在生物学中,replication 是指一种细菌或病毒等微生物的复制方式,这些微生物通过自身复制产生更多的个体。

3. 计算机领域中的replication:



4. 经济学领域中的replication:




1. This study is a replication of a previous experiment to test its reliability.(这项研究是对之前实验的重复,以测试其可靠性。)

2. DNA replication is an essential process for cell division and growth.(DNA复制是细胞分裂和生长的基本过程。)

3. The database replication process ensures data availability and reliability.(数据库复制过程确保数据的可用性和可靠性。)

4. The replication of economic experiments is essential for verifying their reproducibility.(经济实验的重复对验证其重复性至关重要。)

5. The statistical analysis was replicated using the same methods and techniques to confirm the findings.(利用相同的方法和技术对统计分析进行了复制,以确认结果。)




例句:# Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, tia y tio # (# Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, t燰 y t甐 #)


例句:But no obvious apatite was observed on the TiO2 nanotubes made by anodic oxidation process even up to 30 days immersion in the SBF. (而阳极氧化法制备的TiO2纳米管阵列在SBF中浸泡30天也未能诱导生成磷灰石。)


例句:We just went outside and saw all the smoke and people screaming and running out of TIO. (我们刚刚出去就看见了烟雾,人们纷纷尖叫着跑出tio。)


例句:Yes, it's an actual replica of Stonehenge, except it's all made out of foam. (翻译:是的 它就是巨石阵的复制品 除了它是用泡沫做成的)


1. We just went outside and saw all the smoke and people screaming and running out of TIO. (翻译:我们刚刚出去就看见了烟雾,人们纷纷尖叫着跑出tio。)

2. Yes, it's an actual replica of Stonehenge, except it's all made out of foam. (翻译:是的 它就是巨石阵的复制品 除了它是用泡沫做成的)

3. That is a man-made replica of an exoskeleton that he designed and constructed by himself. (翻译:这是一个人造的副本 外骨骼 他设计和建造 他自己。)

4. SetReplID [datetime] sets the database replica ID. (翻译:SetReplID [datetime]设置数据库副本id。)

5. Demotic script on a replica of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg. (翻译:在马格德堡展出的罗塞塔石上通俗文字手稿的复制品。)

6. Mr. Isaac, bad news. Sword not there. It was replica. (翻译:艾席克先生,坏消息 剑不在那里,是复制品)

7. It would be a replica of a movie prop. (翻译:那肯定是电影道具的复制品 It would be a replica of a movie prop.)

8. I wanted to respond to your question about replica plating. (翻译:我想回答您有关影印培养法的问题。)

9. We just went outside and saw all the smoke and people screaming and running out of TIO. (翻译:我们刚刚出去就看见了烟雾,人们纷纷尖叫着跑出TIO)

10. Since the TiO2 was found as an efficient catalyst, there were many studies on the water treating and air cleaning. (翻译:自从TiO2被发现作为一种高效催化剂以来,人们在水处理和大气净化方面做了大量的研究。)

11. No, but there's a similar castle down three miles from here that has a replica. (翻译:不是, 但是从这往下三英里有一个和它 很相似的城堡倒有复制品)

12. All right, while you're doing that, we'll finish the replica box. (翻译:好的 你行动的时候 我们会把盒子复制品做好)

13. It won't stand up to close scrutiny, but I'll get you the replica by tomorrow, all right? (翻译:假的经不住细查, 明天给你带个假的过来,行不?)

14. And this one, this is a replica from a 15th-century device. (翻译:这件星盘则是一份仿制品, 是仿制一件15世纪的星盘。)

15. It's a replica based on the Royal Palace of Louis XIV of the 17th century. (翻译:它是基于一个副本 皇宫 路易十四 17世纪的。)

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