reponen是什么意思 reponen的中文翻译、读音、例句

reponen是什么意思 reponen的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Mr McDade also recalled that he had recommended to Mr Fuld that the use of Repo 105 be curbed. (麦克达德还回忆称,他曾建议富尔德对回购105的使用加以限制。)


例句:I mean, you got to move from Repo to sales, that's like cutting your pay in half, man. (如果你从回收部门调到销售部门 你的薪水就会下降一半 一半)


1. You'd think with two mortgages out, the repo guys staking out my car, my job on the line, and my wife threatening to leave, that I'd stop, instead of staying in the chase, doubling down. (翻译:我的工作危在旦夕, 妻子也威胁说要离开我,我能怎么办... 与其被继续困扰着,不如放弃...)

2. Another executive ordered traders to "wean themselves off" Repo 105. (翻译:有位高管命令手下交易员“逐渐停用”回购105。)

3. A few days, they drilled a small head of the Nen Nen. (翻译:没过几天,它们钻出了嫩嫩的小脑袋。)

4. In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively. (翻译:拆借交易表现仍然不活跃,与回购交易形成明显的反差。)

5. We may keep a github mirror for development purposes, but the true source will continue to be the svn repo. (翻译:出于开发的目的,我们会保留一个GitHub镜像,但真正的代码会一直放在svnrepo上。)

6. I guarantee, you'll run out of Repo Men before I run out of ways of killing them. (翻译:你的回收员都死光了 我的杀法仍然层出不穷)

7. See, after I let her go, err, I got a call from her psychiatrist, Dr. Flanen-nen, Dr. Flanen, Dr. Flan. (翻译:瞧啊,当我开除他之后,嗯,我接到了她心理医生Flanen-nen医生,Flanen医生,Flan医生的电话。)

8. Three months behind on Donna's car payment, they're gonna repo it. (翻译:Donna的车贷三个月没还了 银行会收回车子)

9. And regulators need better data on obscure areas like triparty repo and stock lending. (翻译:同时监管者在一些模糊的领域如三方赎回和股权出借需要更完备的数据信息。)

10. Two weeks after the first death in Spain, repo/fs from countries like the U.S., Germany and Korea confirm (翻译:两周后 西班牙的第一个死者, 从美国、德国或者韩国来的人确信)

11. The Nen river, the northern source of the Songhua river, is the important river of northeast region. (翻译:嫩江是松花江的北源,是东北地区的重要河流。)

12. We can follow the Nen in my eyes to track him down. (翻译:只要循着寄宿在我眼中的念走 就可以找到面影在哪里)

13. Let's combine our Nen and become a shield for Kurapika! (翻译:要怎么做 把我跟奇犽的念力 集中在一个点上 形成酷拉皮卡的盾)

14. Hisoka! blocking Omokage's Nen would be faster. (翻译:西索... 与其一一打倒这些人偶 你们还不如 直接封住面影的念比较快)

15. In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively. (翻译:拆借交易表现仍然不活跃,与回购交易形成明显的反差。)

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