reporting formula是什么意思 reporting formula的中文翻译、读音、例句

reporting formula是什么意思 reporting formula的中文翻译、读音、例句

reporting formula的意思是"汇报格式",其次还有"汇报格式"的意思,在线读音是[reportingformula],reporting formula来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到25个与reporting formula相关的例句。

Reporting formula的中文翻译


例句:Importing a custom field's formula imports only the formula text and appends it to any previously applied text in the Edit formula box. (导入自定义域的公式,只是导入公式文本,并将公式文本添加到“编辑公式”框中任何以前应用的文本中。)


reporting formula一般作为名词使用,如在reporting(n. 报道\n[经] 报告, 汇报)、reporting in([网络] 报告你的位置;报告自己的位置;报告你的情况)、reporting to(v. 呈报\n[网络] 汇报对象;汇报人;直接主管)等常见短语中出现较多。

reportingn. 报道\n[经] 报告, 汇报
reporting in[网络] 报告你的位置;报告自己的位置;报告你的情况
reporting tov. 呈报\n[网络] 汇报对象;汇报人;直接主管
Differential reporting权衡报告制度
divisional reporting分部报表
evaluative reporting评估报导
exception reporting[计] 异常报告
external reporting[经] 对外报表


1. On the count of three, whatever we've got, formula, no formula, let's just put it on the table, (翻译:我倒数三下 不管我们有什么,配方,还是没配方 我们就挑明吧)

2. Finally, a formula for predicting the ultimated… (翻译:最后给出了其极限转角的计算公式。)

3. This is the molecular formula of diazine. (翻译:这是氯哒嗪的分子式。)

4. Correlation occurred only between palmar digital formula and plantar digital formula. (翻译:仅有环食指长与足趾长间存在相关关系。)

5. They want a peace formula soon! (翻译:要求马上讲和 They want a peace formula soon.)

6. Secondly, we give the formula of computing the number of the MDS matrix, and prove the formula simultaneously. (翻译:另外,还给出了MDS矩阵的计数公式并给出了相应证明。)

7. I know you are in, um... possession of a certain chemical formula. (翻译:我知道您... I know you are in, um... 手上有一种化学配方 possession of a certain chemical formula.)

8. Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty. (翻译:知道吗? 他说的对 吉普赛中尉报到,请求派任)

9. Unit 20-21, reporting an ADW in Town Center West. (翻译:编号2021 在市中心西面有紧急事件 Unit 20 -21, reporting an ADW in Town Center West.)

10. That little concoction is my own special formula. (翻译:那瓶调制品是我自己的独门配方 That little concoction is my own special formula.)

11. Why change a winning formula? (翻译:为什么改变游戏规则啊? Why change a winning formula?)

12. Yeah, he's made a terrible mess of himself, but, he's awfully strong, so, we must look on the bright side. (翻译:哈罗德·乔利早些时候报道 Harold Chorley reporting earlier today.)

13. ...reporting from Mumbai's Churchgate area reporting from Cotton College, Guwahati. (翻译:..从孟买教堂门地区报道.. ..从古瓦哈蒂的科顿大学报道..)

14. The formula is jealously guarded. (翻译:对该配方戒备森严。)

15. - But this supposed new formula? (翻译:弄个新配方算怎么回事 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}This supposed new formula?)

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