report item是什么意思 report item的中文翻译、读音、例句

report item是什么意思 report item的中文翻译、读音、例句

report item的意思是"报表项目",在日常中也代表"报表项目"的意思,单词读音音标为[reportitem],report item常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到48个与report item相关的例句。

Report item的翻译


例句:They were put into a report. (它们会被写成报告 They were put into a report.)


report item一般作为名词使用,如在no report(报告)、on report(遭受处分)、report for(给…当记者)等常见短语中出现较多。

no report报告
on report遭受处分
report for给…当记者
report in[网络] 报告情况;请报告情况;报告你的情况
report of报告…的情况
report on报道…,作有关…的报道
report to到…报到,到…去(见某人); 向…汇报[报告]
difference report[计] 差别报告
direct report[网络] 下属的评价;直接汇报;直接汇报人岗位
directors' report董事会年报,业务报告


1. According to that report... (翻译:根据这份报告 According to that report...)

2. Quite good, if we report to the police (翻译:if we report to the police)

3. This is the third draft report. (翻译:This is the third draft report.)

4. I was calling to report a stabbing. (翻译:I was calling to report a stabbing.)

5. - Good, report to Washington. (翻译:- Good, report to Washington.)

6. It is regrettable to see that the chemical content of Item 022 is not up to the percentage contracted. (翻译:很遗憾,022项货所含的化学成分没达到合同规定的百分比。)

7. Rookie, you are going to rewrite this report. (翻译:菜鸟,报告重写 You have to rewrite the report.)

8. - This report came in 10 minutes ago. (翻译:This report came in 10 minutes ago.)

9. Report there with all your gear... (翻译:Message from HQs... Report there with all your gear...)

10. This is my book report about War and Peace. (翻译:This is my book report about War and Peace.)

11. Get a collection containing all attr. defs for the Item Type. (翻译:获取一个集合,其中包含项目类型的所有attr . defs。)

12. How to: Group or Ungroup Work Item Query Clauses (翻译:如何:对工作项查询子句进行分组或取消分组)

13. In our annual state of the relationship summit. Item 29: (翻译:现在咱们的恋爱年度峰会 就剩最后一项议题了)

14. - and the jacket appears to be a rare vintage Item. (翻译:- 而且夹克出现 是稀有的 vlntage ltem。- 毫米)

15. What do you have to report? (翻译:What do you have to report?)

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