reproduced stimuli是什么意思 reproduced stimuli的中文翻译、读音、例句

reproduced stimuli是什么意思 reproduced stimuli的中文翻译、读音、例句

reproduced stimuli通常被翻译为"复制刺激"的意思,其次还有"复制刺激"的意思,单词读音音标为[reproducedstimuli],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到34个与reproduced stimuli相关的例句。

Reproduced stimuli的释义


例句:So I went to Colombia. And I reproduced the experiment. (所以我到哥伦比亚去了。我重复了这个试验。)


reproduced stimuli一般作为名词使用,如在economic stimuli(经济鼓励)、standard stimuli(标准剌激)、stimuli generator(激励振荡器)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic stimuli经济鼓励
standard stimuli标准剌激
stimuli generator激励振荡器
reproduced chart复制图表
reproduced image重显图像
reproduced pulse输出端脉冲
reproduced voltage[电子] 再生电压
photographically reproduced reprint照相复制重印本
reproduced image contrast重显图像对比度
reproduced image fineness重显图像细节


1. In order to see the bivariate relationships among all the variables, a correlation matrix was computed and is reproduced in Table 1. (翻译:为了明白在所有变量中的双变量关系,对相关性矩阵进行计算并复制到表1中。)

2. The effect doesn't seem to be reproduced on the West Coast of America - so it may be limited to moister climates. (翻译:人类活动对天气产生的这种影响在美国西海岸并不适用,也许这种效应仅限于比较潮湿的气候。)

3. Here, using bisection stimuli, we found the opposite pattern of results. (翻译:在这里,用二分的刺激,我们发现了相反的模式结果。)

4. The Responsive Character to Moving Random - Line Stimuli of Cat's AMLS Area Neurons (翻译:猫前内侧上雪氏区视神经元对运动随机线条的反应)

5. Memes, they can be reproduced in large numbers as well. (翻译:模因,它们也可以被大量复制。)

6. Your brain has evolved to handle the kinds of natural stimuli that it encounters in real life. (翻译:人脑经过进化 已经能处理现实生活中遇到的 一些自然刺激 )

7. What you see in this... cow, Mr. Compton, is merely a response to stimuli. (翻译:你在这离家坏女孩身上看到的... 只是对刺激的事情作出的反应 Compton先生)

8. They could also be distracted by other stimuli, such as traffic or a growling stomach. (翻译:人们有时也会 被其他事物分心, 比如堵车, 肚子在叫了, )

9. The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. (翻译:达盖尔银版是一种独特的图像,它可以再现相机镜头前微小的、无选择性的细节,而且是不可复制的。)

10. Sometime later -- it could be 15 minutes, it could be 15 days -- the same stimuli are put before the subject, and the subject is asked to re-rank the stimuli. (翻译:这个选择有点困难, 因为受试者对两幅画的喜爱程度相当。很自然,人们都倾向于选择三号。)

11. Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment. (翻译:他们的脑子对周围事物的信息更开放 {\3cH202020}Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment.)

12. We reproduced a same working schematic diagram. (翻译:我们复制了一份同样的施工简图。)

13. Cinema, in its essence is about reproduction of reality, which is, reality is reproduced. (翻译:电影,就其本质 是现实的再现 就是像是现实真的再生一样)

14. The increase in OPN levels was reproduced by the lipid extract of the particle and prevented by the antioxidant vitamin E. (翻译:骨桥蛋白水平的增加被脂质颗粒提取物复制,并且被抗氧化剂维生素E阻止。)

15. So I went to Colombia. And I reproduced the experiment. (翻译:所以我到哥伦比亚去了。我重复了这个试验。)

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