republics of honduras是什么意思 republics of honduras的中文翻译、读音、例句

republics of honduras是什么意思 republics of honduras的中文翻译、读音、例句

republics of honduras的中文解释是"洪都拉斯共和国",还有洪都拉斯共和国的意思,读音为[republicsofhonduras],republics of honduras来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到16个与republics of honduras相关的句子。

Republics of honduras的释义


例句:From the time they formed their republics until they were conquered by alien empires, the Greeks also rejected monarchy of any kind. (无论是在城邦共和国时期还是在异国征服时期,希腊人一直排斥任何形式的君主政体。)


republics of honduras一般作为名词使用,如在republics(n. 共和国( republic的复数形式 ); 共和政体; 成员具有平等权利的)团体; 界)、Honduras bark([医] 洪都拉斯苦树皮, 苦皮(包括南美苦木皮及巴拿马苦豆木皮))、honduras mahoganies([网络] 洪都拉斯桃花心木;洪都拉斯桃花心红木;洪都拉斯桃花芯\n(honduras mahogany 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

republicsn. 共和国( republic的复数形式 ); 共和政体; 成员具有平等权利的)团体; 界
Honduras bark[医] 洪都拉斯苦树皮, 苦皮(包括南美苦木皮及巴拿马苦豆木皮)
honduras mahoganies[网络] 洪都拉斯桃花心木;洪都拉斯桃花心红木;洪都拉斯桃花芯\n(honduras mahogany 的复数)
Honduras mahogany[网络] 洪都拉斯桃花心木;洪都拉斯桃花心红木;洪都拉斯桃花芯
Honduras rosewood[网络] 宏都拉斯玫瑰木;伯利兹黄檀;宏都拉斯紫檀
honduras rosewoods[网络] 宏都拉斯玫瑰木;伯利兹黄檀;宏都拉斯紫檀\n(honduras rosewood 的复数)
dominican republics多米尼加共和国
french republics法兰西共和国
gabonese republics[网络] 加蓬共和国;加彭共和国;加蓬国\n(gabonese republic 的复数)


1. Originally developed as a mining center, Tegucigalpa now serves as Honduras' capital. (翻译:特古西加尔巴,曾经的矿业中心,现在的洪都拉斯首都。)

2. Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war. (翻译:各共和国之间紧张的民族关系可能导致内战。)

3. Indeed, the Kremlin had no reason to continue with the Soviet-era subsidies to former Soviet republics like the Ukraine or Belarus. (翻译:事实上,克里姆林宫也没有任何理由延续它在苏联时代开始的,为像乌克兰和白俄罗斯这样的前苏联加盟共和国提供补贴性帮助。)

4. I seem to remember that in Honduras you were accused of being a grave robber rather than an archaeologist. (翻译:我记得洪都拉斯曾指控你盗墓 不当你是考古学家)

5. Moscow recognized the two breakaway Georgian republics, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a move that seemed to be a direct snub to the West. (翻译:莫斯科承认阿布哈兹与南奥塞梯,此举被视为对西方的直接怠慢。)

6. The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy. (翻译:这六个不安分的加盟共和国要求自治。)

7. The last place I visited was the Mayan ruins of Copan, Honduras. (翻译:上一个探索的地方是 洪都拉斯考潘市的玛雅遗迹。)

8. The witness, an Ecuadorean, said the victims were from countries including El Salvador, Honduras and Brazil. (翻译:这名来自厄瓜多尔的目击证人还提到,其他遇害者分别来自萨尔瓦多,洪都拉斯和巴西。)

9. The 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis ends when Porfirio Lobo Sosa becomes the new President of Honduras (翻译:年的今天,波菲里奥·洛沃·索萨成为洪都拉斯新总统,xx年洪都拉斯宪法危机结束)

10. Tajikistan has one of the lowest per capita GDPs among the 15 former Soviet republics. (翻译:塔吉克斯坦是十五个前苏联国家中GDP最低的。)

11. Instead, you treat us as stooges for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (翻译:而你对待我们 Instead you treat us as stooges 就像对待苏维埃社会主义共和国的傀儡一样 for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.)

12. You had the creation of new states in Eastern Europe, the former Yugoslav republics and the Balkans, and the 'stans of central Asia. (翻译:我们又见证了东欧一些新的国家的成立, 前南斯拉夫共和国和巴尔干半岛诸国, 以及中亚的一些斯坦国。)

13. The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help. (翻译:黑海的各共和国已经向斯堪的纳维亚国家求助了。)

14. Honduras may have committed a venial sin, but it's not Serbia or Darfur. (翻译:宏都拉斯可能犯了轻微的原罪,但不是塞尔维亚或达沃尔。)

15. The change is all the more startling when Georgia's fate is contrasted with that of other former Soviet republics, including Russia. (翻译:当我们把格鲁吉亚的命运,与包括俄罗斯在内的其他前苏联共和国相比,这个变化是惊人的。)


republics of honduras作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、republic、of、honduras/1、s等。

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