request level是什么意思 request level的中文翻译、读音、例句

request level是什么意思 request level的中文翻译、读音、例句

request level通常被翻译为"计"的意思,还经常被翻译为请求级,单词读音音标为[requestlevel],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到62个与request level相关的句子。

Request level的翻译


例句:That level of brutality-- it has to be personal, okay? (这种水平残酷... 它必须是个人 好吗? That level of brutality)


例句:Fine. Just in the last six months, then. (也很难完成这个请求 to complete that request.)


request level一般作为名词使用,如在in request(有需求,需求量大)、on request(被请求时)、request ... of([网络] 请求)等常见短语中出现较多。

in request有需求,需求量大
on request被请求时
request ... of[网络] 请求
request for要求;对…有请求
request of要求于(某人), 请求(某人)
if level[计] 如果语句层
level ... atv. 描准\n[网络] 瞄准;对准;对准了
level at(用枪)对准〔瞄准〕; 将…的矛头指向(某人)


1. Like intermediate-level Sudoku. (翻译:- moderately. Like intermediate -level Sudoku.)

2. Miss Bennet, may I be so bold as to request the next two dances? (翻译:may I be so bold as to request the next two dances?)

3. At this point, we see no reason that level will need future escalation. (翻译:we see no reason that level will need future escalation.)

4. - The level of ambition on this woman... (翻译:这女人的野心简直... The level of ambition on this woman...)

5. It's not that much money, Mr. Level-Playing-Field. (翻译:它不是那么多钱, Level -Playing)

6. Got a request for your attendance. (翻译:有事需要你本人到场 Got a request for your attendance.)

7. Go out, I request you to leave here now (翻译:I request you to leave here now)

8. I understand your request. (翻译:我知道你的意思 I understand your request.)

9. If you need backup, you make an official request. (翻译:you make an official request.)

10. Okay, I got it-- level nine government research lab. (翻译:- - level nine government research lab.)

11. The request processor dequeues the request and processes it. (翻译:请求处理者从队列中取出消息并进行处理。)

12. This is almost approaching a disciplinary level. (翻译:已经快到惩戒线了 This is almost approaching a disciplinary level.)

13. Sure, that was the level of probability. (翻译:那种程度的可能性啊 That was the level of probability.)

14. Well, low-level vita-radiation would barely saturate the top layer of a person's skin. (翻译:嗯 轻微的生命辐射 Well, low -level vita -radiation)

15. - Hey, can I level with you? (翻译:can I level with you?)

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