repulsive forces是什么意思 repulsive forces的中文翻译、读音、例句

repulsive forces是什么意思 repulsive forces的中文翻译、读音、例句

repulsive forces的中文解释是"力、斥力",其次还有"排斥力"的意思,读音为[repulsiveforces],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到74个与repulsive forces相关的句子。

Repulsive forces的释义


例句:"dedicated to combatting the forces of darkness" (致力于对抗黑暗势力的队伍 dedicated to combatting the forces of darkness)


例句:But darling. You're not a failure, repulsive or strange at all... (亲爱的,你一点儿也不失败、 奇怪或令人讨厌...)


例句:It's about evil, little kids taken over by alien forces. (little kids taken over by alien forces.)


repulsive forces一般作为名词使用,如在repulsive(排斥的 )、forces(n. 势力;兵力;武装力量(force的复数形式))、forces on(强加于, 强迫...接受)等常见短语中出现较多。

forcesn. 势力;兵力;武装力量(force的复数形式)
forces on强加于, 强迫...接受
repulsive core推斥核心
repulsive energy推斥能
repulsive force斥力
repulsive interaction互相推斥作用,互斥力
repulsive mineral排斥矿物(负性矿物)
repulsive neutrons互斥中子


1. It's about evil, little kids taken over by alien forces. (翻译:little kids taken over by alien forces.)

2. Mary was not so repulsive and unsisterly as Elizabeth, nor so inaccessible to all influence of hers; (翻译:玛丽不像伊丽莎白那样令人反感,那样没有姐妹情,也不像伊丽莎白那样全然不听她的话。)

3. I've seen a lot during my work as a Pastor, but never anything so repulsive! (翻译:我当牧师期间 经历过各种事情 却没经历过如此恶心的!)

4. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. (翻译:and the forces of darkness.)

5. Imperial forces tirelessly fight (翻译:帝国军队坚持不懈地打击 Imperial forces tirelessly fight)

6. Application of Switching Mutual Repulsive Thyristors in OLTC (翻译:互斥晶闸管组通断控制方法在OLTC中的应用)

7. He'd lap it up. But he's a man of God and so repulsive. (翻译:可是他是一个神一样的人物 却有这么多人讨厌他)

8. Today, the Armed Forces... led by a group of enlightened officers... put an end to the course of our country... towards the communist precipice... where she was led by anarchy and disorder... (翻译:如今,武装部队... Today, the Armed Forces... 由一批开明军官为首...)

9. Which forces him to fix the problem, You know? (翻译:于是他不得不出来解决问题 which forces him to fix the problem,)

10. There's something about human nature that is awfully repulsive, and the healthier people are, the more repulsive they seem to me to be. (翻译:人类的天性有些东西是非常讨厌的,越是健全的人,好象就越叫我讨厌。)

11. 5 billion you save on conventional forces. (翻译:5 billion you save on conventional forces.)

12. "From Commander Strategic Forces Red Banner Northern Fleet." (翻译:红旗北军潜艇部队 From Commander Strategic Submarine Forces Red Banner Northern Fleet.)

13. I don't mean to be rude, but this is a tad repulsive. (翻译:我不是故意这样说的 但是这样看起来有点恶心)

14. This objective is occupied by the Movement of the Armed Forces. (翻译:它被武装部队运动占用了。走开。This objective is occupied by the Movement of the Armed Forces.)

15. Special forces immediately! (翻译:马上派飞虎队来! Special forces immediately!)


repulsive forces作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、repulsive、force/1、s等。

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