resident library是什么意思 resident library的中文翻译、读音、例句

resident library是什么意思 resident library的中文翻译、读音、例句

resident library的中文解释是"常驻程序馆",其中文解释还有"常驻程序馆"的意思,发音音标为[residentlibrary],resident library是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到40个与resident library相关的句子。

Resident library的释义


例句:High-level design of an ADO.NET sharding library. (NET sharding library的高层次设计。)


resident library一般作为名词使用,如在resident link library([计] 常驻链式程序库)、library(图书馆 )、in the library(在图书馆)等常见短语中出现较多。

resident link library[计] 常驻链式程序库
in the library在图书馆
the library图书馆
disk resident磁碟常驻
exchange resident居民汇兑
file resident[网络] 文件驻留
foreign resident外国居民
former resident[网络] 以前的居住者;前居民;归侨


1. I was sure this led to the library. (翻译:我肯定这是去图书馆的路 I was sure this led to the library.)

2. They probably hacked the prototype and decompiled the compression library. (翻译:反编译了压缩库 and decompiled the compression library...)

3. i do not think Even resident ? (翻译:我认为就算是那个情报员 都不一定知道卧底的身份)

4. You back to being a legal resident around here, Steve? (翻译:你已经可以做一个合法的居民在这儿晃悠了么 steve You back to being a legal resident around here, Steve?)

5. The books in the library, the codes, hidden messages. (翻译:图书馆的这些书 密码 秘密信息 The books in the library, the codes, hidden messages.)

6. The library will be closing in 10 minutes. (翻译:The library will be closing in 10 minutes. 图书馆将在10分钟后闭馆)

7. book,design,entertainment,film,history,library,media,music,technology,web (翻译:book,design,entertainment,film,history,library,media,music,technology,web)

8. book,business,culture,design,entertainment,entrepreneur,innovation,invention,library,technology (翻译:book,business,culture,design,entertainment,entrepreneur,innovation,invention,library,technology)

9. Why is there no library in this town? (翻译:为什么这里没图书馆 Why is there no library in this town?)

10. And this is the opening day at the Library of Alexandria, the new Library of Alexandria, in Egypt. (翻译:这是亚历山大图书馆开业时的照片 新亚历山大图书馆,位于埃及)

11. and if there were library police.. (翻译:如果有图书馆警察这玩意 ...and if there were library police...)

12. I have known him since he was a resident here at Washington. (翻译:他还是华盛顿大学的住院医生时我们就相识了 I have known him since he was a resident here at Washington.)

13. I have access to the entire curse word library. (翻译:I have access to the entire curse word library.)

14. Are we still in the library? (翻译:我们还在图书馆里吗? Are we still in the library?)

15. architecture,arts,collaboration,culture,design,library (翻译:architecture,arts,collaboration,culture,design,library)

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