resignalling是什么意思 resignalling的中文翻译、读音、例句

resignalling是什么意思 resignalling的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I re-enrolled to finish my degree, yeah. (我继续攻读学位了 I re -enrolled to finish my degree, yeah.)

例句:that he is not running for re-election. (提前到今天 that he is not running for re -election.)


1. Making him re-win the heart of the virgin? (翻译:Making him re -win the heart of the virgin?)

2. And traced the routing and re-routing. (翻译:追踪了钱的去路 and traced the routing and re -routing.)

3. Both Signalling and user data may be subject to ciphering. (翻译:信令和用户数据都应被加密。)

4. Is there particular urgency to find them? (翻译:找它们有急用吗 Y a une urgence particulière à les retrouver?)

5. It says there was a re-release program in the Michigan peninsula. (翻译:It says there was a re -release program 在密歇根州的半岛 in the Michigan peninsula.)

6. Brother, I have been re-hymenated. (翻译:I have been re -hymenated.)

7. Mandy started after him, signalling to Jesse to follow. (翻译:曼迪开始追赶他,示意杰西跟上。)

8. Your father will kill you. (翻译:你爸会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)

9. What happens at these re-enactments? (翻译:这些历史重现中都发生了什么呀? What happens at these re -enactments?)

10. fixed railway installations . signalling . wire transmissions . reinforced concrete pickets. (翻译:铁路固定装置。信号装置。钢索传动。钢筋混凝土尖桩。)

11. In front of or behind the dromedary's hump. (翻译:坐在驼峰前面还是后面 Assis devant ou derrière la bosse du dromadaire?)

12. The SAAL comprises AAL functions necessary to support such a signalling entity. (翻译:SAAL包含支持那样的信令实体所必需的AAL功能。)

13. The third part of this thesis was the study of gibberellin signalling in rice. (翻译:本文的第三个部分是研究水稻的赤霉素信号传递。)

14. ~ Na, na, do, re, mi, baby ~ (翻译:# Na, na, do, re, mi, baby #)

15. Can inhibition of WNT signalling form the basis of an effective therapy for some cancers? (翻译:能够抑制Wnt信号的基础上形成一个有效的治疗一些癌症?)



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