mastigophora是什么意思 mastigophora的中文翻译、读音、例句

mastigophora是什么意思 mastigophora的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Mastigophora类别的生物在水中自由游动,以寻找新的营养来源。(英文:Organisms in the Mastigophora category swim freely in water to search for new sources of nutrients.)

2. 鞭毛虫有单个或多个鞭毛,这是它们移动的关键。(英文:Mastigophora have one or more flagella, which are key to their movement.)

3. Mastigophora类别包含高达500个不同的物种。(英文:The Mastigophora category includes up to 500 different species.)

4. 这个国家的河流中有很多种类的鞭毛虫。(英文:There are many different types of Mastigophora in the rivers of this country.)

5. 鞭毛虫是一种很小的单细胞生物。(英文:Mastigophora are very small single-celled organisms.)

6. Mastigophora的细胞具有运动性,使它们能够适应不同的环境。(英文:The cells of Mastigophora have motility, allowing them to adapt to different environments.)

7. 这个科学家发现了一种新的Mastigophora物种。(英文:This scientist discovered a new species of Mastigophora.)

8. 有些鞭毛虫可以寄生在人体内。(英文:Some Mastigophora can parasitize inside the human body.)

9. 许多鞭毛虫是非常原始的生物种类,已经存在了几亿年。(英文:Many Mastigophora are very primitive organisms that have existed for hundreds of millions of years.)




例句:I am Jeronym of Hora, sir. I'm the regent here. (我是Hora来的Jeronym,先生 我是这里的摄政)


例句:Effect of GlcNAc against activation of bacterial cryptic growth cells to mast cells (缓激常泰拮抗细菌潜生体对肥大细胞激活作用的实验研究)


mastigophora一般作为名词使用,如在Mastigophora([医] 鞭毛纲)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mastigophora[医] 鞭毛纲


1. Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached. (翻译:帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上。)

2. I'm running a cell dump from the nearest mast, but with no number to match it to... (翻译:我正从那最近的信号塔下载手机通信记录 可惜连个比对的号码都没有... 闭路监控呢?)

3. They tied you to the mast to keep you from jumping overboard. (翻译:他们把你绑在船桅上 才得以阻止你跳下海中 {\3cH000000\fs30}They tied you to the mast to keep you from jumping overboard.)

4. Relation between mast cels and eosinophils in small intestine of rats (翻译:大鼠小肠内肥大细胞与嗜酸粒细胞的关系及其年龄性变化趋势)

5. He climbs the mast... Then he falls down! (翻译:他爬上桅杆……然后他掉下来了! )

6. Over at TPM, Brian Beutler details the GOP's plan for thwarting new executive-branch rules via the Congressional Review Act. (翻译:BrianBeutler在TPM发文详细阐述了GOP利用《国会审查法案》反对行政部门发布这些新条例的计划。)

7. How many three-mast clipper ships are wrecked off the coast? (翻译:我意思是有几艘三杆快帆古船 在海岸失事过?)

8. What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary (翻译:你为什么整天都想着要害她 What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary)

9. GOP Presidential candidate, responding to criticism that one of his campaign ads glamorizes smoking; (翻译:他是美国共和党总统候选人,如此回击有人对他的的一则竞选广告美化抽烟的批评;)

10. We have to tackle this head-on, or the GOP will crucify you. (翻译:我们必须自己直面问题 要不然共和党是会把你钉上十字架的)

11. A couple of senatorial retirement announcements this week, highlighting what has been a gradual rolling back of the GOP's... (翻译:一对夫妇参议院退休 本周公布, 突出什么了 的GOP的逐步滚动回...)

12. When the mast are ready to be laid down, release the front guy lines and the back guy lines, then disconnect the mast from A-frame. (翻译:具备下放井架条件后,依次拆除井架前绷绳、后绷绳和井架与人字架的连接固定装置。)

13. When I was your age I was before the mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa. (翻译:当我像你这么大的时候 我跟着一艘横帆船去了非洲)

14. Just to give that boat some scale, I could climb inside her mast all the way to the top. (翻译:只是把船做得更大一点, 这样我就可以爬进她的桅杆 一直到顶部。)

15. Determination and Analysis of Major Gop Seeds and Straw Meal Nutrition in Delingha District of Qinghai Province (翻译:青海省德令哈地区主要农作物籽实及秸秆草粉营养成分的测定与分析)



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