respiratory encephalopathy是什么意思 respiratory encephalopathy的中文翻译、

respiratory encephalopathy是什么意思 respiratory encephalopathy的中文翻译、

respiratory encephalopathy通常被翻译为"呼吸性脑病"的意思,在英美地区还有"呼吸性脑病"的意思,在线发音:[respiratoryencephalopathy],respiratory encephalopathy来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到44个与respiratory encephalopathy相关的例句。

Respiratory encephalopathy的翻译


例句:The effects of lactulose on quality of life in subclinical hepatic encephalopathy (乳果糖治疗对亚临床肝性脑病患者生存质量的影响)


respiratory encephalopathy一般作为名词使用,如在encephalopathy(脑病 )、respiratory(呼吸的 )、hepatic encephalopathy(肝性脑病)等常见短语中出现较多。

hepatic encephalopathy肝性脑病
hypertensive encephalopathy[医] 高血压性脑病
hypoxic encephalopathy缺氧性脑病
lead encephalopathy[医] 铅毒性脑病
lupus encephalopathy狼疮脑病
mink encephalopathy水貂脑病, 貂脑病
postinfective encephalopathy感染后脑病


1. Study on clinical effects and mechanism of Milkvetch therapy in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy (翻译:黄芪治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的临床与机理研究)

2. Clinical application of curosurf on treating newborns respiratory distress syndrome (翻译:固尔苏治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的临床应用)

3. Objective To investigate the measure of prevention and treatment about the patients with chronic renal insufficiency uremia encephalopathy. (翻译:目的总结分析以尿毒症性脑病表现为癫痫样发作的患者的临床资料,并探讨适宜的治疗措施。)

4. Clinical Control Study of L-ornithine-L-aspartate in the Treatment of Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy (翻译:门冬氨酸鸟氨酸治疗亚临床肝性脑病的临床对照研究)

5. Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, AS during a cold or other respiratory infection. (翻译:痰由呼吸道粘膜分泌的浓稠而粘的黏液,如在寒冷或其它呼吸性感染期间)

6. Antiviral activity of Arbidol hydrochloride against respiratory syncytial virus (翻译:盐酸阿比朵尔抗呼吸道合胞病毒作用的实验研究)

7. Your Neurology Department loaned me a culture of prions for my research on bovine spongiform encephalopathy. (翻译:你们神经科学部门借了我朊病毒培养箱 Your neurology department loaned me a culture of prions 来协助我牛海绵状脑病的研究 for my research on bovine spongiform encephalopathy.)

8. Objective To evaluate the effects of high frequency oscillatory ventilation in the hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy with respiratory failure. (翻译:目的探讨高频振荡通气在新生儿严重缺氧缺血性脑病并呼吸衰竭的临床应用。)

9. Clinical and CT features of newborn anoxemic encephalopathy: report of 60 cases (翻译:新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病60例临床与CT特点)

10. The only predictor of FCA was recent upper respiratory infection. (翻译:FCA的唯一预测因素是近期的上呼吸道感染。)

11. This combination strains the organs and can cause respiratory failure and death. (翻译:这种结合会使器官负担过重, 甚至会导致呼吸衰竭及死亡。)

12. And call respiratory.We need ventilators on standby. (翻译:调一台呼吸机过来 我们还需要备用的通风扇)

13. A baby born at 23 weeks risks encephalopathy, R.O.P., cerebral palsy, (翻译:一个 23周出生的婴儿可能有高危脑病 - 视网膜病变 脑瘫 发展型的)

14. Effects and clinical significance of MRV on respiratory mechanics in patients with respiratory failure (翻译:指令频率通气对呼吸衰竭患者呼吸力学的影响及临床意义)

15. The content of NA decreases remarkably in CLF encephalopathy . (翻译:NA在大鼠CLF所致肝性脑病时明显下降。)

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