resources accounting是什么意思 resources accounting的中文翻译、读音、例句

resources accounting是什么意思 resources accounting的中文翻译、读音、例句

resources accounting通常被翻译为"资源会计"的意思,其中文解释还有"资源会计"的意思,发音音标为[resourcesaccounting],resources accounting常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到21个与resources accounting相关的句子。

Resources accounting的释义


例句:Financial fraud is a accounting false behavior of enterprise consciously misstating or omission of accounting information, and forging surplus... (财务舞弊是企业有意识地错报或漏报会计信息,伪造盈余的会计造假行为。)


resources accounting一般作为名词使用,如在human resources accounting(人力资源会计)、manpower resources accounting(人力资源会计)、accounting(会计学 )等常见短语中出现较多。

human resources accounting人力资源会计
manpower resources accounting人力资源会计
it resources[网络] 信息技术资源
resourcesn. 资源;物力(resource的复数)
differential accounting[经] 差量(差别)会计
ecological accounting[经] 生态会计学
economic accounting经济核算
dollar accounting[经] 以元为单位的会计


1. Accounting History tells us that accounting is always dependent on a certain socioeconomic environment and development. (翻译:会计的发展史告诉我们,会计总是依存于一定的社会经济环境而发展的。)

2. I want accounting information, membership rosters, stuff like that. (翻译:我想要账户信息 会员名册 I want accounting information, membership rosters, 那些东西都要 stuff like that.)

3. Metro has more resources to find him than you do. (翻译:都市警局比你有更多资源可以找他 Metro has more resources to find him than you do.)

4. - We have very limited resources here. (翻译:- Excuse me? - We have very limited resources here.)

5. Article 18 Any violation in respect of accounting shall be dealt with and penalized in accordance with the previsions of laws and administrative regulations on accounting. (翻译:第十八条属于会计方面的违法行为,依照会计方面的法律、行政法规的规定处理、处罚。)

6. Corrections to any of the accounting books must be made strictly following the working rules for accounting personnel. (翻译:各种帐簿中的记录,如需更正,必须严格按照会计人员工作规则进行。)

7. That now we have resources and help. (翻译:现在我们有资源和协助了 That now we have resources and help.)

8. It's gotta be some kind of a mistake, like an accounting error. (翻译:like an accounting error.)

9. Do we put more resources into finding Colin Blakefield? (翻译:那要花更多人力物力去找Colin Blakefield么? Do we put more resources into finding Colin Blakefield?)

10. My lieutenant had pulled all my resources! (翻译:我的上司把我的查案资源都撤走了! My lieutenant had pulled all my resources!)

11. He believes army resources are better directed (翻译:他认为军队资源最好能够 he believes army resources are better directed)

12. Are we really gonna keep wasting valuable resources on this lady? (翻译:我们真的要继续在她身上浪费宝贵资源吗? Are we really gonna keep wasting valuable resources on this lady?)

13. This part presents the developing course of our accounting standards and IASs and the main content of the two sets of accounting standards. (翻译:本部分介绍了我国会计准则和国际会计准则制定的发展过程,以及中外两套会计准则的主要内容。)

14. What is the impaction on accounting information relevance? (翻译:对会计信息价值相关性的影响如何? )

15. Minister, with respect... your previous experience is as Minister for Resources. (翻译:Minister, with respect... 你以前的经验是作为资源部长 your previous experience is as Minister for Resources.)

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