respiration valve在中文中有"呼吸阀"的意思,作为名词时有"呼吸阀"的意思,发音音标为[respirationvalve],respiration valve常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到60个与respiration valve相关的句子。
Respiration valve的翻译
例句:Example valves would include a shut-off valve for an economizer cycle, an unloader valve, or a suction modulation valve. (作为示例的阀可包括经济器循环的断流阀、卸荷器阀或吸入调节阀。)
respiration valve一般作为名词使用,如在respiration(呼吸 )、diffusion respiration(弥散性呼吸)、diminished respiration([医] 呼吸音减弱)等常见短语中出现较多。
respiration | 呼吸 |
diffusion respiration | 弥散性呼吸 |
diminished respiration | [医] 呼吸音减弱 |
direct respiration | [医] 直接呼吸 |
dyspneic respiration | [医] 呼吸困难 |
divided respiration | [医] 分割呼吸 |
discontinuous respiration | 不连续呼吸 |
effective respiration | 有效呼吸 |
endogenous respiration | 内源呼吸 |
1. - Temp 102, pulse 120, respiration 36. (翻译:- 体温102,脉搏120,呼吸次数36)
2. The discharges of phrenic nerve and the curve of respiration were recorded. (翻译:分别记录对照组和模型组大鼠膈神经放电及呼吸曲线。)
3. Form the point of view of chemistry and energetics, it is the opposite of cellular respiration. (翻译:从化学和能量学的观点来看,它与细胞呼吸作用相反。)
4. The disclosed valve ACTS as an integral diverter valve and vacuum break. (翻译:公开的阀起—一体的换向阀和真空断路器的作用。)
5. But Valve changed that, when they came out with Steam. (翻译:但Valve扭转了这一局面 推出了Steam平台)
6. Conclusion Bileaflet valve has a better hemodynamic influence than tilting disk valve in on patients with replacement of mitral valve. (翻译:结论双叶机械瓣对二尖瓣置换术患者的血流动力学影响优于倾斜碟瓣。)
7. Blood pressure and respiration are also recorded. (翻译:血压和呼吸也做了记录。)
8. Streng then the valve stem of the size independently, cooperate have guaranteed the valve stem, to neutral and stability. (翻译:独立加大尺寸的阀杆,配合阀杆定向杆,保证了阀杆的对中性及稳定性。)
9. Install the valve onto the copper tube and gently slide compression nut and ferrule up to the valve to engage. (翻译:在铜管上安装阀门,然后轻轻地把压缩螺母和套圈移到阀门上并进行啮合。)
10. Study on the Respiration Physiology of Akebia trifoliate Fruit and the Suitable Storage Conditions (翻译:三叶木通果实呼吸生理与贮藏保鲜条件的研究)
11. Catharsis is theorized to be a safety valve. (翻译:经理论证明,宣泄是一种疏导情绪的方式。)
12. Subsea valve: a valve which is designed for use in sea water. (翻译:海底阀:为适应海水中作业而设计的一种阀。)
13. He replaced a dud valve. (翻译:他换掉了一个无用的电子管。)
14. Effects of NaCN and acute hypoxia on respiration, blood pressure and electrocardiography in cats (翻译:氰化钠和急性缺氧联合作用对家猫生命体征的影响)
15. Analysis clinical effect of SIMV in neonate infants with failure of respiration (翻译:同步间歇指令通气在新生儿呼吸衰竭中的临床疗效分析)