resource rent tax是什么意思 resource rent tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

resource rent tax是什么意思 resource rent tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

resource rent tax在中文中有"资源报酬税"的意思,其次还有"经"的意思,在线读音是[resourcerenttax],resource rent tax在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到19个与resource rent tax相关的句子。

Resource rent tax的翻译


例句:I could rent the apartment, remodel. (我可以租下那间公寓 重新装修 I could rent the apartment, remodel.)


例句:The second part is about tax legalism of china tax law . (第二部分是我国税法中的税收法定主义评析。)


resource rent tax一般作为名词使用,如在resource rent([经] 资源报酬)、resource tax([经] 资汇税)、natural resource rent(un. 自然资源租金)等常见短语中出现较多。

resource rent[经] 资源报酬
resource tax[经] 资汇税
natural resource rentun. 自然资源租金
resource equalization tax资源平衡税
for rent供出租\n[经] 出租, 召租
rent an. (Renta)人名;(西)伦塔
rent at(使)以(某价钱)租出
to rent租住


1. I might owe you two some rent. (翻译:额... 我可能欠你俩点租金 Mm... I might owe you two some rent.)

2. QName rdf:resource is an attribute. (翻译:QName rdf:resource 是一个属性。)

3. I can probably just do it for four bucks plus tax. (翻译:我们能猜吗? I can probably just do it for four bucks plus tax.)

4. the last three years the company paid tax or tax includes business tax, profit tax, payroll tax or other tax proved. (翻译:近xx年公司税单或税务交纳证明,包括营业税、利润税、工资税或其它税务证明。)

5. You know beer, you just rent the stuff. (翻译:you just rent the stuff.)

6. China is rich in oil resource. Among unproved resource, commercial and sustainable exploration resource has a large percentage. (翻译:我国石油资源比较丰富,尚未探明的石油资源中有经济性、可持续勘探的资源比例较大。)

7. Cos this rent is a miracle. (翻译:这租金低得出奇 Cos this rent is a miracle.)

8. Fresh eyes. And Brian is a special resource. (翻译:而且Brian是个特别的资源 And Brian is a special resource.)

9. Click the Resources tab, and in the Preprocessor definitions field, add AFX_RESOURCE_DLL. (翻译:单击“资源”选项卡,然后在“预处理器定义”字段中,添加AFX_RESOURCE_DLL。)

10. - in tax relief for tech firms. (翻译:减税感兴趣。in tax relief for tech firms.)

11. Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction. (翻译:无限的声音和表情资源 Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction.)

12. Here we are at the offices of theatrical agent Jeremy Rent. (翻译:纸板: 这里是剧团代理人Jeremy Rent的办公室)

13. Now, first of all, you need to get a rent book. (翻译:you need to get a rent book.)

14. So it decided to hire independent contractors and pay per car towed. (翻译:就外包出去,按车计费 So they had to rent them from an independent contractor.)

15. And we pay rent for this place. (翻译:And we 给这鬼地方付房租 他们应该付我们钱 pay rent for this place.)

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