resplendens是什么意思 resplendens的中文翻译、读音、例句

resplendens是什么意思 resplendens的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I got to ride a donkey and found the perfect gift for Len. (我骑上了毛驴 还为Len找到了完美的礼物)

例句:LEN KOCH Engineer and Nuclear Pioneer source of energy, a new way to generate heat. (LEN KOCH 原子先锋 ...这是一个新的能源来源。)


resplendens一般作为名词使用,如在notoscopelus resplendens(闪光背灯鱼;灯笼鱼;七星鱼;光鱼)等常见短语中出现较多。

notoscopelus resplendens闪光背灯鱼;灯笼鱼;七星鱼;光鱼


1. Once constructed, the command is executed and the response captured to the $Resp variable. (翻译:一旦构造好,命令行将被执行,响应将被捕获到$Resp变量。)

2. Len: What about personnel there? (翻译:那边的人事如何安排呢? )

3. igh pressure the vapor may become as dens and as incompressible as the liquid at lower temperature. (翻译:在临界温度以上和高压下,蒸汽密度可能变得象在低温下液体那样稠密且不可压缩。)

4. Reproducibility, stability, resp-ponse time and selectivity of the new fiber optic sensor are reported. (翻译:报道了传感器的重现性、稳定性、响应时间和选择性。)

5. I can take care of it, Len. Aye, but can it take care of thee? (翻译:我会好好保存的,肯 嗯,但是它会好好照顾你么?)

6. And Apple's laptop and desktop computers are in more dens than they used to be. (翻译:苹果的笔记本及台式电脑也比以前在民居中更普及。)

7. The Q program is then executed with the values that were just calculated and the output captured to the $Resp variable. (翻译:然后,使用刚才计算的值执行Q程序,并由$Resp变量捕获输出。)

8. Well, you see, Len here smashed a boulder over his head. (翻译:好了,你看,这里莱恩砸在他头上的一块巨石。)

9. Len and Trish was planning a romantic getaway. (翻译:看起来好像 Len和Trish在计划一场浪漫的逃亡)

10. What we're hearing, Len, is that there was bad blood between you and Percy Malleson on account of him landing you in it at work. (翻译:Len 我们听说 你和Percy Malleson之间有过节 因为他举报你)

11. respiratory: what's the reason for his resp. failure? what's the ventilator setting. (翻译:呼吸系统:呼衰的原因考虑什么?目前呼吸机参数是什么模式?)

12. The only thing is, Len, he'd have to be as smart as me. (翻译:唯一一点就是, Len, 他必须和我一样聪明.)

13. It's a fascinating book, Len. (翻译:这是一本令人着迷的书。)

14. And Apple's laptop and desktop computers are in more dens than they used to be. (翻译:苹果的笔记本及台式电脑也比以前在民居中更普及。)

15. as the icy grip eases, the world's largest bears emerge from their dens. (翻译:历经数千年 雅库次克马演化出御寒的厚皮浓毛)

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