resterilizations是什么意思 resterilizations的中文翻译、读音、例句

resterilizations是什么意思 resterilizations的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease (Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease)

例句:The three parters which take part in irradiation sterilization: Manufacturer, irradiation organ and Lab offered radiation parameters, all of them contribute to quality of radiation sterilization. (参与过程的三方:提供产品的生产商、实施辐照的辐照机构及提供辐照参数的实验室都对医疗器械的无菌质量有贡献。)


1. Your father will kill you. (翻译:你爸会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)

2. ~ Na, na, do, re, mi, baby ~ (翻译:# Na, na, do, re, mi, baby #)

3. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)

4. Manage CAPA related to sterilization activities. (翻译:主导灭菌相关的CAPA活动。)

5. For men, vasectomy is the only option for sterilization. (翻译:对于男性来讲,输精管结扎术是唯一的绝育手术。)

6. that he is not running for re-election. (翻译:提前到今天 that he is not running for re -election.)

7. Compulsory sterilization represented social engineering of the worst sort. (翻译:强制性绝育象征着社会工程的最低手段。)

8. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

9. If perlite is reused, sterilization may be necessary. (翻译:如果珍珠岩是重复使用,消毒可能是必要的。)

10. Objective To test the effect of sterilization in dental handpieces Chambers. (翻译:目的检验牙科手机腔管内灭菌效果。)

11. When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi (翻译:当你唱歌时,你先从 Do Re Mi 开始)

12. Or is your service not needed at the SSR? (翻译:Or is your service not needed at the S. S. R.)

13. The LMQ, R - 4060 upright - sterilization - vessel which sterilize the nutrition agar medium and broth medium in the laboratory of powder - noodle plant is the ideal sterilization apparatus. (翻译:本文对LMQ.R-4060立式灭菌器应用于粉针车间化验室的营养琼脂培养基及肉汤培养基的灭菌进行探讨。结果显示,LMQ。)

14. Evaluation of effects of ethylene oxide on dental handpiece sterilization and performance (翻译:环氧乙烷对牙科手机灭菌效果及机械性能影响的实验研究)

15. Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do (翻译:Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do)

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