restarting是什么意思 restarting的中文翻译、读音、例句

restarting是什么意思 restarting的中文翻译、读音、例句

Restarting 是动词 restart 的现在分词形式,常可用于描述重新开始某项活动或恢复某一进程的情况。其常用场景包括电脑、手机等电子设备重新启动、公司业务重新开始等。和其他动词搭配,可形成多种常用词组,例如 restart the project ,restart the machine ,restart the computer 等。发音为 [ˌriːˈstɑːtɪŋ],拼写为 restarting,其中重音在第二个音节上。





1. The computer is restarting now.


2. After installing updates, you may need to restart your device.





例句:Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitalism to a true free market. (埃及需要重新开始,然后改革其经济以剔除穆巴拉克的裙带资本主义,建立一个真正的自由市场。)


例句:In mobile computing environment, low concurrency and too many unnecessary transaction restarting exist in original Optimistic concurrency Control Protocol (OCCP). (在移动计算环境中,基本乐观并发协议的事务处理存在并发度低和重启率高等问题。)


例句:Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy. (重启信息时代的反垄断并非易事。)


例句:But to the surprise of power companies, communities started balking at restarting reactors that were idled for routine inspections. (翻译:但令电力公司感到惊讶的是,许多社区不愿重启因例行检查而停止运转的反应堆。)


restarting一般作为动词使用,如在restarting a weld(再引弧)、restarting ability(重新启动能力)、restarting capability(再次起动能力)等常见短语中出现较多。

restarting a weld再引弧
restarting ability重新启动能力
restarting capability再次起动能力
restarting lever重开机杆
restarting procedure再起动程序


1. Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy. (翻译:重启信息时代的反垄断并非易事。)

2. But to the surprise of power companies, communities started balking at restarting reactors that were idled for routine inspections. (翻译:但令电力公司感到惊讶的是,许多社区不愿重启因例行检查而停止运转的反应堆。)

3. Jordan's demand to have the stripe removed -- which would require restarting production halfway through -- had never been done at Nike. (翻译:乔丹的要求把带子去掉——也就是要求重启生产——这在耐克公司前所未有。)

4. The problem is solved by restarting the iPad. (翻译:这个问题在重启后可以解决。)

5. I'm going to the power station with Miss Yang, to stop them restarting. (翻译:我现在跟杨小姐赶回电厂 阻止他们再次开启)

6. It is not restarting, even after the kangaroo is not there anymore. (翻译:袋鼠过完马路后, 汽车也没有重新启动。)

7. unnumbered lists give a corresponding result, except that the problem of restarting with 1 is not applicable. (翻译:不标序号的列表展现一种相对应的结果,除非有的问题用序号1重新开始不合适。)

8. But our scientists are working on a possible solution to restarting the core. (翻译:我们的科学家们也在研究 一种能重启地心的可行性解决方案)

9. When the server restarts, Domino checks to see if it is restarting after a crash. (翻译:当服务器重启时,Domino检查它是否是崩溃后重启。)

10. Restarting the application server takes 5 minutes. (翻译:重启应用程序服务器花5分钟。)

11. Meanwhile its ambitious rival, South Korea, has signed FTAs with the European Union and others, and is restarting talks with America. (翻译:同时它雄心勃勃的对手,韩国,已与欧洲联盟和其他自由贸易组织签订协议,而且正在重新启动与美国的谈判。)

12. Meanwhile its ambitious rival, South Korea, has signed FTAs with the European Union and others, and is restarting talks with America. (翻译:同时它雄心勃勃的对手,韩国,已与欧洲联盟和其他自由贸易组织签订协议,而且正在重新启动与美国的谈判。)



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