restrictive mutation是什么意思 restrictive mutation的中文翻译、读音、例句

restrictive mutation是什么意思 restrictive mutation的中文翻译、读音、例句

restrictive mutation在中文中有"限制性突变"的意思,还有限制性突变的意思,单词读音音标为[restrictivemutation],restrictive mutation在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到85个与restrictive mutation相关的例句。

Restrictive mutation的释义


例句:As a youngster, she might have found it too restrictive,她可能会发现这项活动约束太多,不够创新。)


restrictive mutation一般作为名词使用,如在mutation(突变 )、restrictive coating(护套层;涂料;铠装)、restrictive disease(局限性疾病)等常见短语中出现较多。

restrictive coating护套层;涂料;铠装
restrictive disease局限性疾病
restrictive element节流元件
restrictive injunction[法] 禁制令
restrictive length节流长度
restrictive rule[计] 限定规则
restrictive valve节流阀
graduated restrictive aspect逐步限速示像[显示]
restrictive flow regulatorun. 节流式流量调节阀\n[网络] 节流式流量调节阀液


1. Ion beam mutation has significant bioeffect. (翻译:离子诱变具有显著的生物学效应。)

2. It will adapt. It will adapt to its environment: it's a durable mutation. (翻译:它会适应。它会适应它的环境: 它是一种可持续的转变。)

3. They cannot sense it, but... with a little mutation, they do. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}它们头顶上也有光 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}right on top of them. {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}它们感觉不到光 但 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}They cannot sense it, but... {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}经过一些小小的变异 它们就能看见光了 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}with a little mutation, they do.)

4. Tabloid editors would not like this, or a formal privacy law if it were similarly restrictive. (翻译:小报编辑们肯定不乐意,让他们也不乐意的是出台具有相似约束性的正式的隐私法。)

5. I would guess it has to be restrictive to aircraft, uh, airborne at this time. (翻译:据称至少 xx岁或以上的飞机... 今天飞。)

6. Robust genetic algorithm with mutation parameters bounded by upgrowth of populations (翻译:一种由种群发育约束个体变异的鲁棒遗传算法)

7. That mutation was the human brain. (翻译:成为了星球上至高无上的猎食者 那个突变就是人的大脑)

8. It was a decision to leave a particularly oppressive and restrictive way of living and to try living differently. (翻译:是决定离开特殊压迫及限制的生活,或是跟随诱惑去尝试不同的生活方式。)

9. Do not punctuate restrictive clauses. (翻译:不要在限制性从句中使用标点。)

10. In time, men gave in to their curiosities, and attempted to access this restrictive zone. (翻译:终于, 人类受不了诱惑, 尝试找寻禁区的许可证...)

11. The main mutant-types induced by EMS were ear visibles, seed visibles, stem visibles, leaf character mutation, fertility mutation and mature period mutation. (翻译:EMS诱变产生的主要突变类型有:穗部形态突变、籽粒形态突变、茎秆形态突变、叶片性状突变、育性突变及熟期突变等。)

12. The newborn is coming out of a very restrictive environment, so anything that simulates that comforts them. (翻译:新生儿来自一个限制严格的环境,因此任何和母体类似的环境都可以安抚他们。)

13. And that is, there is an abnormal gene, a mutation in the gene that causes this abnormal cross wiring. (翻译:说不定是某个异常的基因 一种基因突变,引起了异常的串线。)

14. It will adapt to its environment; it's a durable mutation. (翻译:它会适应它的环境: 它是一种可持续的转变。)

15. Meanwhile, the special restrictive instrument is used to realize the reentrance of the branch well. (翻译:同时利用限位器实现分支井的再进入。)

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