retinal arteriospasm是什么意思 retinal arteriospasm的中文翻译、读音、例句

retinal arteriospasm是什么意思 retinal arteriospasm的中文翻译、读音、例句

retinal arteriospasm在中文中有"视网膜动脉痉挛"的意思,其次还有"视网膜动脉痉挛"的意思,在线读音是[retinalarteriospasm],retinal arteriospasm是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到83个与retinal arteriospasm相关的例句。

Retinal arteriospasm的词典翻译


例句:The effect of Shihusan on intracellular free calcium of human retinal neural cells (石斛散对人视网膜神经细胞钙离子变化的影响)


retinal arteriospasm一般作为名词使用,如在retinal(视网膜的 )、retinal abiotrophy([医] 视网膜生活力缺失)、retinal adaptation([医] 视网膜适应)等常见短语中出现较多。

retinal abiotrophy[医] 视网膜生活力缺失
retinal adaptation[医] 视网膜适应
retinal anemia[医] 视网膜贫血
retinal aneurysm视网膜动脉瘤
retinal angiomatosis视网膜血管瘤病
retinal apoplexy[医] 视网膜猝出血
retinal arteriosclerosis视网膜动脉硬化
retinal artery网膜动脉


1. Cellmembrance channel amiodaron acid and bridgeis retinal " " . (翻译:细胞膜通道中的胺酸与“视网膜”牢固结合。)

2. Vessel deformity, retinal hemorrhage or decollement, optic nerve lesion, or eyeground lesion. (翻译:血管畸形、视网膜出血或剥离、视神经病变、眼底病变。)

3. Reproducibility of measuring retinal nerve fiber layer with scanning laser polarimetry (翻译:偏振激光扫描仪测量视网膜神经纤维层厚度的重复性)

4. Retinal ganglion cells carry signals out of the eye to the lateral geniculate nuclei. (翻译:视网膜神经节细胞运载信号在眼睛外面对侧向膝状的神经核。)

5. Retinal reposition depend on position, length and operation time of scleral rupture. (翻译:视网膜复位与巩膜裂伤的位置、长短及手术时间有关。)

6. Completely different meanings, giving rise to the exact same retinal information. (翻译:完全不同的意义, 却造成了完全相同的视网膜信息。)

7. And then the transducer then makes the output cells send the code on up to the brain, and the result is a retinal prosthetic that can produce normal retinal output. (翻译:然后传感器使 输出细胞把编码 送进大脑 这样视网膜假体就能产生 正常的视网膜输出 )

8. The complications included lens tilt, secondary glaucoma, retinal detachment, hyphema and hypopyon. (翻译:并发症为人工晶体倾斜、继发性青光眼、视网膜脱离、前房出血和前房积脓。)

9. Conclusion Clonidine can protect retinal structure and function in acute retinal ischemia insult. (翻译:结论盐酸可乐宁在急性视网膜缺血损伤中可以保护视网膜的结构和功能。)

10. No retinal detachment and cystoid macular edema were found. (翻译:未见视网膜脱离及黄斑囊样水肿。)

11. Clinical observation on serosity macular detachment secondary to retinal vein occlusion (翻译:视网膜静脉阻塞继发黄斑部浆液性视网膜脱离临床观察)

12. Macular translocation after 360 degree retinotomy for complicated retinal detachment (翻译:360度视网膜切开致黄斑转位性斜视的临床分析)

13. Stem cell-derived retinal transplants, now in a research phase, may one day restore vision, or part vision, to millions of patients with retinal diseases worldwide. (翻译:视网膜干细胞移植, 目前正处于研究的阶段, 也许将来的某天它就能帮世界上成千上万 视觉障碍患者 重现光明,或者恢复部分视力。)

14. Tectum extracts preserving retinal ganglion cells in vitro (翻译:胎大鼠顶盖提取液保存视网膜节细胞的形态学)

15. And yet it's only the retinal information that we get. (翻译:并且这些仅有的视网膜信息是 所有我们能得到的。)

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