retiled是什么意思 retiled的中文翻译、读音、例句

retiled是什么意思 retiled的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 英语:The roof had to be retiled due to severe weather damage.(屋顶因恶劣天气损坏而需要重新铺瓦。)

2. 西班牙语:Tuvimos que volver a enlosar el baño porque las baldosas estaban rotas.(我们必须重新铺瓷砖浴室,因为瓷砖破碎了。)

3. 法语:La toiture a dû être retuillée à cause des fuites d'eau.(屋顶因漏水而必须重新铺瓦。)

4. 德语:Das Dach musste nach einem Sturm neu gedeckt werden.(屋顶在暴风雨后必须重新铺瓦。)

5. 意大利语:Abbiamo dovuto riquadrare il pavimento della cucina per rimuovere le piastrelle rotte.(我们不得不重新铺设厨房地板,以移除破碎的瓷砖。)

6. 葡萄牙语:Tivemos que retilingue o banheiro porque as telhas estavam rachadas.(我们必须重新铺浴室,因为瓦片开裂了。)

7. 俄语:Нам пришлось перекрыть крышу из-за повреждений от града.(我们不得不重新铺瓦屋顶,因为它被冰雹所损坏。)




例句:In continuous action against the plight of education (托马斯 你给莫里哀写信呢 Thomas, tu écris à Molière?)


例句:In Listing 11, the ref attribute refers to the values of fields in the ProductInfo subtree. (在清单11中,re f属性引用productinfo子树中的字段值。)


例句:Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean. (铺了地砖的厨房地面容易保持清洁。)


例句:Subject: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re:《福布斯》——全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )


1. Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean. (翻译:铺了地砖的厨房地面容易保持清洁。)

2. Subject: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re:《福布斯》——全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )

3. Yes, when you've finished the cupboards , I'd like the wall above them to be tiled. (翻译:当你做完碗碟橱的时候,我想将它们上面的墙壁铺上瓷砖。)

4. What happens at these re-enactments? (翻译:这些历史重现中都发生了什么呀? What happens at these re -enactments?)

5. You can go to the cemetery later. (翻译:你一会再去墓地 Tu iras au cimetière plus tard.)

6. -Yeah... IthinkIknow...attheExpectantMother. Hetoldme ,IthinkIknow...attheExpectantMother. (翻译:- 我想可以,在la Mére Tardu 他回答我说他觉得可以,la Mére Tardu)

7. Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do (翻译:Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do)

8. A tiled floor is easy to brush clean. (翻译:瓷砖地板容易打扫干净。)

9. Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do. (翻译:Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.)

10. that he is not running for re-election. (翻译:提前到今天 that he is not running for re -election.)

11. A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic stools in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing, modern look. (翻译:马赛克墙面与塑料制品给这个厨房增添了不少清新与时尚的气息。)

12. The tiled floor was wet and slippery. (翻译:那磁砖地板又湿又滑。)

13. The property rates are very high... (翻译:房产税很高的 The property rates re very high.)

14. They completely re-rearrange this. (翻译:他们从头重放了一次 They completely re -rearrange this.)

15. Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right? (翻译:-design, your big re -brand, that was AIM, right?)



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