revised statute是什么意思 revised statute的中文翻译、读音、例句

revised statute是什么意思 revised statute的中文翻译、读音、例句

revised statute在英语中代表"经修定的成文法"的意思,作为名词时有"法"的意思,发音是[revisedstatute],revised statute来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到72个与revised statute相关的例句。

Revised statute的词典翻译


例句:4 clays remain before the statute of limitations expires on the Han abduction case (公诉时效到期四天前的昨天 记者们在凶手绑架杀害韩采进的现场)


例句:And submit a revised organization chart by next week. (另外 下周为止 把金门的所有企业现状 组织结构 重新上交过来)


revised statute一般作为名词使用,如在revised(a. 改进的)、statute(法令 )、revised amendment(修订的修正案)等常见短语中出现较多。

reviseda. 改进的
revised amendment修订的修正案
revised amount[经] 订正后的金额
revised and enlarged增订的
revised appropriation[经] 修订后的拨款
revised assessment修订评税
revised budget[经] 修订后的预算
revised data已修正的数据


1. What do you think about the statute of limitations in criminal law? (翻译:郑多恩小姐 对于刑事法中的公诉期 你有何想法)

2. We failed to find the kidnapper and the statute of limitations has run out (翻译:在我们的能力范围内 没能找出真相 加上公诉时效已过期 也做不了什么)

3. Revised by Jen Loux, William and Mary Intern, November 1995. (翻译:詹.劳克斯,威廉,玛丽 ,校订。xx年xx月。)

4. Opening on December 19th, the day the statute of limitations expires. (翻译:xx月xx日开幕 正好是无罪时效的到期日)

5. ... granted the Statute in March 1848 and the same month waged war against Austria. (翻译:xx年xx月颁布法典 同月与奥地利开战)

6. This is our current statement with a revised paragraph there, highlighted. (翻译:硂琌иヘ玡朝瓃 э筁珲辅夹ボㄓ)

7. If the velocity relationships are revised, then the hyperbola is of the opposite phase from the reflection. (翻译:如果速度关系颠倒,则双曲线相位便与反射的相位相反。)

8. I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. (翻译:我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。)

9. You will get our revised proposal by tomorrow. (翻译:我们的修改意见明天给你。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You will get our revised proposal by tomorrow.)

10. Here's a revised budget our prople are ready to vote for. (翻译:这是一个修改过的预算,我们准备投票表示同意。)

11. After Arman had revised the essay twice, he handed it in. (翻译:阿曼把文章修改两遍之后才交出去。)

12. Well, thank God the statute of limitations never runs out on child abuse. (翻译:是吗 好吧 感谢上帝 时效法不适用于虐待儿童罪)

13. The new statute covers the care for, raising, and protection of children. (翻译:这项新法令涵盖了儿童的照料、养育和保护。)

14. -And in there statutes and regulations are very specific, as for what is violating the statute. (翻译:至于什么是违反法规,在里面法规和规章都是非常具体的,)

15. Geneticists will know this, but every year since, it's been revised downwards. (翻译:遗传学者对这个比较熟悉,但是从那以后每年, 人们都在降低预估的基因数量。)

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