revisited是什么意思 revisited的中文翻译、读音、例句

revisited是什么意思 revisited的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源解析


2. 用法


3. 拓展含义

除了“重新审视”的意思之外, `revisited`也可以用于表示某个作品、地方、事件的重现或者重访。

4. 搭配短语

常见的搭配有`revisited topic/issue`、`revisited place`、`revisited memories`等。

5. 使用场景



1. The report revisited some of the company's earlier claims and found them to be exaggerated.(该报告重新审视了公司之前的某些声明,并发现它们被夸大了。)

2. The conference revisited the subject of climate change and its impact on agriculture.(会议重新审视了气候变化及其对农业的影响这个话题。)

3. The author revisited the setting of his first novel in his latest book.(作者在最新作品中重访了他第一本小说的场景。)

4. The film is a revisited version of a classic Hollywood movie.(这部电影是经典好莱坞电影的重现版本。)

5. The exhibition revisited the life and work of the famous artist.(这个展览重新审视了著名艺术家的生活和作品。)




1. I revisited the place where I grew up and it brought back a lot of memories. (我重访了我成长的地方,回忆涌上心头。)

2. The author revisited his earlier work and made some changes based on new insights. (作者重新审视了他早期的作品,并根据新的认识做出了一些改动。)

3. After years of neglect, the building was finally revisited by a team of architects who saw its potential for renovation. (经过多年的荒废,这座建筑终于被一支建筑师团队重新审视,看到了它进行翻新的潜力。)




例句:The world in which I operate operates with designs regarding roads, or dams, or provision of electricity that have not been revisited in 60 years. (在我的世界,我与 那些道路、 堤坝、或者电力供应 的设计打交道, 这些设计已经有xx年没有被重温了。)


例句:In a more recent post Dubakov revisited the subject, this time adding a warning against the measurement of individual estimate accuracy. (最近的一个帖子中,Dubakov回顾了这个话题,这次他加入了对于测算个人估算准确率这一活动的警告。)


例句:Over time, an implementation will accrete complexity as code is revisited for bug fixes and feature enhancements. (随着时间的迁移,系统实现与复杂度将共存,因为修改问题和添加新功能将会增加代码量。)


1. Over time, an implementation will accrete complexity as code is revisited for bug fixes and feature enhancements. (翻译:随着时间的迁移,系统实现与复杂度将共存,因为修改问题和添加新功能将会增加代码量。)

2. Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolites Revisited: from Geological Survey to Mineral Records (翻译:雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩再研究:从地质调查到矿物记录)

3. It's [the result of] a long tradition from the later years of the Qing dynasty down to today. But we restudied the problem and revisited it and made it more perfect. (翻译:拼音源自清朝末年至今的长期实践,而我们只不过是对过去的问题重新研究和进行修改,使之更完美。)

4. In this module, these themes are revisited in a very specific computational context, that of shape grammars. (翻译:在这堂课里,这些主题在一种非常特定的演算脉络中,被以形态规则的方式被重新审视。)

5. The financial laboratory revisited. (翻译:被重新审视的金融实验室。)

6. Part 5: Web services revisited. (翻译:第5部分:Web服务回顾。)

7. If you haven't done so, read The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. This is one of my top-ten business books. (翻译:如果你还没有这样做,读读MichaelGerber的这本书——TheE-MythRevisited。)

8. The world in which I operate operates with designs regarding roads, or dams, or provision of electricity that have not been revisited in 60 years. (翻译:在我的世界,我与 那些道路、 堤坝、或者电力供应 的设计打交道, 这些设计已经有xx年没有被重温了。)

9. Now, that was all a very long time ago, but as I've prepared for this talk, I've revisited some of the stories that I have covered, where these really unusual collaborations made a real positive difference. (翻译:这件事现在看起来已经年代久远, 准备这个演讲的时候, 重温了一些我报道过的事情, 这些不同寻常的合作 确实产生了积极的影响。)

10. Sharaf said the contracts would be revisited so the gas "would be sold with deserved prices that achieve the highest returns for Egypt" . (翻译:沙里夫说这些合约会重新修订,使得天然气以应有的,会为埃及带来最大利益的价格出售。)

11. In the summer, when we returned to Canada, we revisited this lake at dawn. (翻译:夏天,我们回到加拿大后,在黎明时分重游了这个湖。)



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