rezzori是什么意思 rezzori的中文翻译、读音、例句

rezzori是什么意思 rezzori的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You prefer a contact poison or... to inhale or to ingest? (您是喜欢外用型的 Vous préférez un poison de contact? 一触即死 Vous touchez, vous êtes morte. 还是吸入型的 还是内服型的 Ou bien à inhaler?)


例句:In time, people began wearing zori for farm work. (后来,人们在田间作业时也开始普遍地穿草屐。)

例句:Jose Suarez of Scottsdale. (Scottsdale的Jose Su rez银行)


例句:Few Indians were equipped with the skills necessary to make it and most eventually returned to "the rez" . (翻译:只有少数印第安人具备在异乡生存所必须的技能,大多数最终还是回到了居留地。)


1. Jose Suarez of Scottsdale. (翻译:Scottsdale的Jose Su rez银行)

2. Few Indians were equipped with the skills necessary to make it and most eventually returned to "the rez" . (翻译:只有少数印第安人具备在异乡生存所必须的技能,大多数最终还是回到了居留地。)

3. Yet just 30 or 40 years ago , zori sandals and geta clogs were often worn . (翻译:直到30至xx年前为止,木屐、草屐、草鞋还一直都是日本人的日常生活品。)

4. La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow. (翻译:Quileute保留区那的La Push沙滩 我们明天都去的)

5. We need to convert this to a higher rez for printing purposes. (翻译:我们需要将其转换到一个更高的解析度打印目的。)

6. Lol, i was there, it was quite fun = i had to rez soooo many ppl. (翻译:哈哈,我昨天在那里的,非常的有意思,我认识了很多的人…)

7. So spread the word out at the rez, huh? Keep the kids out of the woods. (翻译:所以就在印第安居住区传开了,是吧?让孩子们别去丛林。)

8. IF we're gonna get IT all, we're gonna need a truck, Rez. (翻译:如果我们要 得到这一切,我们要去 需要一辆卡车,苏亚雷斯。)

9. Now that P rez has been elected, does he have to fund the club? (翻译:现在佩雷斯已经当选,他需要为球会提供资金吗?)

10. The compressing site is in front of REZ and is very convert. (翻译:压迫部位在面神经根入脑桥处前方,位置隐蔽。)

11. Juarez is what happens when they dig in. (翻译:他们要进来 我们就这么回击 就这么简单 Juérez is what happens when they dig in.)

12. Have you been to Juarez before? (翻译:你以前去过华雷斯吗[墨西哥城市 与艾尔帕索接壤] have you been to juérez before?)

13. So, do you want the Tajine now or everything together? (翻译:你们想等会吃蔬菜煲 Bon. Vous préférez attendre pour le tajine, 还是想一起吃 ou vous voulez tout en même temps?)

14. That would require going through the scanner 250 times, by Rez's dose calculations, rather than 2, 500 times, by the government's. (翻译:这个上限,按雷兹的辐射量计算只需经过250次安检,而不是政府说的2500次。)

15. It's pretty slow after Christmas, unless you want to go off the rez. (翻译:圣诞后就比较淡了 你们要到XXX去找那个家伙)

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