riffler sampler是什么意思 riffler sampler的中文翻译、读音、例句

riffler sampler是什么意思 riffler sampler的中文翻译、读音、例句

riffler sampler的中文解释是"分样器",还有网络的意思,在线发音:[rifflersampler],riffler sampler来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到63个与riffler sampler相关的句子。

Riffler sampler的词典翻译


例句:It's the specialty sampler plate at Arnaud's-- it's fantastic. (这是Arnaud餐厅的 特色开胃菜 妙极了)


例句:Application of Boundary Layer Theory in Study on Rating Scale Effect of A Bedload Sampler Calibration (边界层理论在推移质采样器率定比尺效应研究中的应用)


riffler sampler一般作为名词使用,如在riffler(波纹锉 )、riffler file(修模锉)、sample riffler([矿业] 试样缩分器)等常见短语中出现较多。

riffler file修模锉
sample riffler[矿业] 试样缩分器
spinning riffler旋转缩分器
samplern. 样品检验员, 刺绣样品\n[化] 取样器; 进样器
downhole sampler井下取样器
echo sampler回波采样器,混响取样器
drive sampler打入式取样器
dust sampler灰尘取样器


1. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife's framed sampler back into place. (翻译:诺顿锁住保险柜,把他妻子的刺绣作品旋回原处。)

2. To provide a pause at a single place in a test plan, one can use the Test Action Sampler. (翻译:测试计划在一个单独的地方提供暂停,你可以使用TestAction采样器)

3. The structural features and testing results of the technical properties of DQ 2 type airborne radioiodine sampler are introduced. (翻译:本文主要介绍了DQ 2型气载放射性碘采样器的结构特点和技术性能的测试结果。)

4. On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun. (翻译:星期三,要做样本拼布,她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣。)

5. Sampler keep clean, do not be coated in the blade part of the anti-rust oil. (翻译:经常保持取样器清洁,不用时应在刀刃部分涂防锈油。)

6. The SiGe GN3S Sampler is a very powerful, very hard to use GPS receiver. (翻译:的硅锗gn3s取样器是一个非常强大的,很难用GPS接收机。)

7. Cobuild concordance Sampler provides a variety of search ways by which the users can obtain as many as 40 concordance lines of a search word or word combination. (翻译:检索取样器提供了多种查询方法,通过它使用者能够获得有关搜索词或短语等多达40行的检索实例。)

8. Conclusion ASPT can be used for the in vivo diagnosis of AR with higher specificity and sampler proc. . . (翻译:结论阿罗格点刺试验特异性高,操作简便,可以用于变应性鼻炎的体内诊断。)

9. On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun. (翻译:星期三,要做样本拼布。她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣。)

10. Sampler in the Parachute-airdrop Remote Control System by Software Radio (翻译:软件无线电实现翼伞空投遥控系统中的抽取器)

11. Sometimes I will throw in music that I make, whether it is from my band KLO, or a solo project I mixed on a professional sampler. (翻译:我有时候会把我制作的音乐扔掉,无论它是KLO乐队还是我自己做的专业的小样独奏音乐。)

12. We are sailing 1.5 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant, and with the help of the local fisherman, we are collecting sediment from the seabed with a custom sediment sampler we've invented and built. (翻译:我们在离核电站1.5公里远的地方航行, 在当地渔民的帮助下, 我们用自己发明制作的 沉淀物采样器在海底 收集了一些沉淀物。)

13. The device includes a sampler, a hanger and a sample separation plate. (翻译:本采样装置包括取样器、起吊架及分样台。)

14. Now what's that bio trace m3 sampler? (翻译:是的,当今最好的 生物追踪M3样本是什么?)

15. We can filter textures by using the minification, magnification, and mipmap filter sampler states. (翻译:我们可以过滤纹理通过使用缩小过滤,扩大过滤和多线性过滤方式。)

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