意思:'ringer' 一般指“篮球命中球筐口接近边缘的投篮得分”、“击中目标的准确投掷”、“骗子、冒充者、假货”等意思。
常用场景:在篮球、游戏或其他竞争或判断活动中,当球或物品沿着特定路径进入目标区域时,就可以使用 'ringer' 这个词。
1. ringer score:篮球命中得分
2. dead ringer:与某人或某物非常相似的人或物。
3. double ringer:可以得到额外分数的投掷方式。
4. ring the changes:改变或交替不同的方法或方式。
ringer的中文翻译是“模仿者”。读音为 /ˈrɪŋər/。
1. That guy is a ringer for Tom Cruise. (那个人和汤姆·克鲁斯长得极像。)
2. He tried to pass himself off as a ringer for the CEO. (他试图冒充CEO的替身。)
3. The chess champion suspected his opponent was a ringer. (这位国际象棋冠军怀疑他的对手是个模仿者。)
例句:Ringer, what are you doing? (玲哥 你干嘛 Ringer, what are you doing?)
例句:Put it on your computer, or add it to your ringer, but own it. (放进电脑里或加到手机铃声里,但关键是,要拥有它。)
例句:E. Intravenous fluids. IV fluid during labor is usually Ringer's lactate or 0. 45% normal saline with 5% dextrose. (静脉用液分娩过程中静脉输液通常是乳酸林格氏液或含有5%糖的浓度为0.45%的生理盐水。)
例句:So a tribe of evil natives planted a ringer in the camp to kidnap a pregnant girl and a reject from VH-1 has-beens. (翻译:一群邪恶的本地人 派一个奸细到我们之中 绑走一个年轻孕妇 和一个过气的摇滚乐手)
ringer一般作为名词使用,如在extension ringer(分机振铃器;分铃)、fibre ringer(光纤信号器)、harmonic ringer([电] 选频铃)等常见短语中出现较多。
extension ringer | 分机振铃器;分铃 |
fibre ringer | 光纤信号器 |
harmonic ringer | [电] 选频铃 |
intermediate ringer | 中间局振铃器 |
magneto ringer | 磁石式振铃器 |
manual ringer | 手摇振铃器;人工振铃器 |
ringer bay | 振铃器架 |
ringer bell | 铃 |
ringer box | 电铃盖 |
1. E. Intravenous fluids. IV fluid during labor is usually Ringer's lactate or 0. 45% normal saline with 5% dextrose. (翻译:静脉用液分娩过程中静脉输液通常是乳酸林格氏液或含有5%糖的浓度为0.45%的生理盐水。)
2. So a tribe of evil natives planted a ringer in the camp to kidnap a pregnant girl and a reject from VH-1 has-beens. (翻译:一群邪恶的本地人 派一个奸细到我们之中 绑走一个年轻孕妇 和一个过气的摇滚乐手)
3. Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, grinned. (翻译:经常光顾我们餐馆的一位卡车司机贝尔。林格咧嘴笑了。)
4. But it was leaked that he's Leon Ringer, a teacher and lover of Judy Rick, the victims' daughter. (翻译:根据目击证人的叙述 教授雷昂. 兰芮被逮捕)
5. You tell your publisher, tell Katie Graham... she's going to get her tit caught in the big ringer if that's published. (翻译:告诉你们的发行人凯蒂葛罕 如果她胆敢登那则报导的话 到时候她的奶头 就会被套上大铃铛)
6. Well, seeing as I'm a dead ringer for Cameron Diaz... (翻译:... 好吧,看到我死 酷似卡梅隆・迪亚兹...)
7. Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. (翻译:Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样)
8. Vice President Dick Cheney summed it up best when he told Morgan, You're a dead ringer! (翻译:美国副总统切尼总结时,他说最好的摩根,你是个死林格!)
9. The ringer was a girl named Mia Frye, 23-year-old from Glendale. (翻译:那个冒牌货叫做米亚菲 一个从格兰岱尔来的xx岁女生)
10. Instead, crystalloids, normal saline or lactated Ringer's are recommended. (翻译:相反,晶体溶液,生理盐水或乳酸林格氏的建议。)
11. Tell me, Mr. Radovich, what is a ringer? (翻译:雷德维奇先生 什么是铃音 Tell me, Mr. Radovich, what is a ringer?)
12. Elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine. (翻译:Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样)
13. At least they both have a hardware switch to silence the ringer. (翻译:但至少他们都有一个静音的硬件开关。)
14. Instead, crystalloids, normal saline or lactated Ringer's are recommended. (翻译:相反,晶体溶液,生理盐水或乳酸林格氏的建议。)
15. An Analysis of the Homeostasis in Burn Patients Resuscitated with Plasma and Lactated Ringer's Solution during the Early Postburn Stage (翻译:烧伤早期液体复苏患者水和电解质平衡状况分析)